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Jᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 3

it was 10:30am and Bailey was on her way to the Grove. Bailey had meetings half the day so she asked Bryce if they could go earlier.

Bailey and her house mates,and her now boyfriend-Jack,got back around 3 in the morning and went to sleep and hour later then had to wake up around 7 so it's sort of a miracle how she is functioning right now.

she got there and once she got out her car,she immediately saw Bryce,on his phone.

she parked a little away from the Grove,meaning she had a little walking to do.she walked over but as she got closer,fletcher came over.

Fletcher-"bailey!hey,what's going on?"

Bailey-"nothing much"

Fletcher-"have you got anything big coming up?"

Bailey-"uh yeah,new music and projects coming up soon"

Fletcher-"that's good to hear.i hear you were in Miami for New years.happy new year by the way"

Bailey-"yeah i was and happy new year to you too"

Bailey was there and she walked away from Fletcher.sometimes paparazzi can be quite overwhelming.

she reached the table where Bryce was sitting and Bryce looked up and noticed her.

Bailey-"hey Bryce"

Bryce-"hi.you okay?"


Bryce-"nothing.you just look stressed"

Bailey-"no yeah i'm okay"

Bryce-"good.you having food?"

Bailey-"uh no,i'm not hungry.you?"

Bryce-"yeah i'm not hungry either.big sway breakfast"

they both chuckled at the statement.

the waiter went over to the table and asked if they wanted anything,they obviously said no and just asked for a water.

Bailey-"so i actually asked you here to tell you something"

Bryce-"okay,what have i done?"

bailey chuckled. "nothing.i just have news for you and i hope your happy about it"

Bryce-"okay,what is it?" he said unsure.

Bailey-"well after midnight on New years,Jack asked me to be his girlfriend"

Bryce went wide eyed and for a second,Bailey thought they were just gonna pop out.

Bryce-"w-what?he asked you to be his girlfriend?"


Bryce-"oh my god.Bailey,that's amazing"

Bailey-"are you happy about it?"

Bryce-"yes! i'm so happy for you!"

Bailey-"thank you"

Bryce-"but the more important question.are you happy?"

Bailey-"yes,i am.i mean we have only been dating for like 3 days but yeah i'm happy"


fifteen minutes later,Bryce and Bailey left and they both got into their cars.on the way to the cars,Bryce asked Bailey if she wanted to go to sway for 10 minutes and she said yes,meaning she could tell the rest of the boys.


telling the rest of the boys actually went good and it's now much later and Bailey has told most of her friends.

Jack and Bailey have realised that since they are not going public,they have to keep it lowkey.

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