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Jenna groaned dramatically, rolled her eyes and wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her partially gloves hand. "What am I doing wrong, Vega? Why aren't they just--disappearing?" She gestured hopelessly at the Light Rays eminating from the hands of a tiny herald angel, which Jenna's Shadows (now slinking back into her hands sheepishly) had been unable to overcome for the last 30 minutes.

"Let's stop for today, Jenna," replied the gorgeous ruler of Purgatory, her doe-like brown eyes filled with concern for the young Celestern. "You're doing nothing wrong, just pushing yourself much too hard, dear. Let's sit over here and cool off, alright?"

Jenna nodded glumly and followed the green-skinned, red-haired queen over to a small round table supporting a pitcher filled with clear, icy water and two glass goblets. Vega snapped her fingers, and the pitcher elegantly poured the cold liquid into the fancy glasses.

"Thank you so much for helping us today, Adriel," Vega smiled kindly at the golden-haired angel as their Rays slowly dissipated into glittery dust before vanishing. "I think we're done for today, but please feel free to hang around the Grotto for as long as you wish before returning to work. We added a nail salon that the Celestials seem especially to enjoy."

Adriel bowed respectfully to the queen. "Thank you, Your Majesty, but I shall return to Heaven now. Will you need my services next week, as well?"

"Yes, I'll confirm days and times with you later," replied Vega, winking at Jenna encouragingly. "Have a good day, dear. Thanks again."

"Yeah, thanks a lot!" called Jenna hastily after the angel, cheeks burning with shame at not thanking them sooner. "I really appreciate you coming down here and helping me, you know, train--I can't imagine how busy you are Upstairs, but--well, thanks," she finished lamely, wishing she had the Demonic power to sink into the ground.

Adriel's impassive face broke into a bright smile. "Of course, Miss Kingsley," they replied, bowing low to the now-quite-embarrassed young Celestern as well. "It is my pleasure to assist you on your journey to full Attunement. Good day," they added to both female-presenting beings, before walking out the large oak doors and leaving them alone in the huge, pristine gymnasium.

"Drink some water, dear," implored Vega gently, her attractive features arranged in worry. "You look exhausted, have you been sleeping enough?"

Jenna took a sip of the cool, refreshing liquid, closed her eyes and savored the feel of it sliding down her warm throat and into her stomach. "Honestly, I think I'm sleeping too much," she replied, setting down her goblet and crossing her legs. "I'm out from about 11pm to 8am nightly because I'm genuinely tired! Shouldn't the need to sleep have gone away by now, like the need to eat?"

Vega smiled maternally. "Every Celesternal Attunement, or life, is different," she answered sagely. "Some exist quite comfortably without consuming food, hydrating, sleeping or many of the other things humans must do to survive, like their parents. More often than not, though, Celesterns, particularly those raised by humans on Earth, must continue at least some "corporation-maintenance rituals," as I call them, in order to thrive. It sounds like your Celesternal and Earthly body just still needs to catch some Z's right now," she finished, shrugging and sipping her water.

"Oh," said Jenna softly, frowning. "Is it a sign of--I don't know, something being wrong, or--"

"Not in the slightest," Vega replied firmly but with a kind grin. "Only about 5% of known Celesterns can comfortably exist without eating, drinking or sleeping. The majority of us find that, although we are indeed more potentially powerful and dangerous than angels or demons, we are still more human than them."

"Like how I still need to breathe?"

"Exactly!" Vega reached out her hand, which Jenna took appreciatively. "Don't worry dear, you're doing so well, progressing so much with your powers...everything's happening like clockwork. No problems whatsoever."

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