The Celesternal Rights Society

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Jenna was very nervous. Well, she was always very nervous, but particularly today. It was five days after Hecate's mandatory conference in Purgatory, and her first training session with Vega in a week. Only the queen texted beforehand and said this one was due to be "special."

The young Celestern knew what that meant. It meant meeting the other Celesterns with whom she would attempt to save God's realm from Insa's wrath. During the last week or so, Jenna had thought about her agreeing her join their forces and come to the conclusion that this was idiotic, shameful and reckless. You're not a REAL Celestern, sneered those helpful little voices in her head, not like Vega and Hecate and Someone-knows who else they've got to'll just slow them all down at best and speed along the destruction of the universe at worst. I mean really, Jenna? What were you thinking?

She wasn't really, at the time; as usual, Jenna had made a decision somewhat impulsively and then spent hours rehashing it in her OCD brain. Also, who said 'nah, I'm good' to an opportunity to not only help save the freakin' WORLD, but do so alongside some of the most powerful supernatural beings in known existence?!

As such, here sat Jenna in the now quite familiar in Purgatory's lobby, waiting (no pun intended) for Vega to fetch and introduce her to older, smarter and probably infinitely more attractive Celesterns who had centuries ago mastered their complex powers. Unlike HER, who still couldn't detect a change in languages spoken to or by her immediately, keep her Seduction power from inexplicably turning its damn self on after baths and showers (at least she could sense and instantly banish the foul thing now) or utilize her Dark and Light powers significantly unless under great physical or emotional duress.

"Good morning, Jenna!" sang a very unconcerned and vivacious Vega, bright blue pumps clacking on the lobby's marble floor as she emerged from a back room and strode toward Jenna, smiling brightly. "How are you, my dear?"

"I'm, um, okay," Jenna replied with a nervous grin, hoping her words were neutral enough not to be considered a lie and cause the queen undue physical distress. "J-just nervous to meet the other--well, start this process, I mean. How are you, Vega?"

Vega looked up at the younger Celestern sympathetically and rubbed her upper left arm maternally. "It'll be fine, sweetheart, don't worry--everyone is quite friendly, and at least as apprehensive to meet you!"

"M-me?" Jenna stammered and raised her eyebrows.

"Oh yes," assured the queen with a meaningful look. "Remember darling, you've become a somewhat popular source of gossip in Heaven and Hell, both of which extend to the Celestern community, since last year! I mean, you did single-handedly apprehend five high-ranking and infamously ruthless angels and demons by utilizing two similar and extremely rare supernatural powers, all before you'd finished Evolving, if I'm not mistaken? "

Jenna blushed and lowered her gaze. "I assumed you were exaggerating when you said that," she admitted in a low mumble, fidgeting with her purse, "that stuff like that was pretty run-of-the-mill among average supernatural beings, especially Celesterns--"

Vega smirked, shifted her weight to one leg with her hands on her hips and cocked an eyebrow at Jenna. "Really? You honestly, from the bottom of your heart, thought I was stretching the truth and risking your personal physical comfort, to 'be nice?'" She cringed and shook her head. "You know that's not my style--plus your stomach would've--"

"Fine, I was hoping you were exaggerating, then!" admitted Jenna defensively, crossing her arms and blushing deeper. "That was easier than facing the fact that I'm a topic of discussion in Heaven and Hell! God, I can barely handle it that the friggin' High Priestess of Hell, Satan's second-in-command, knows my name!"

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