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Author's note: So, I'm also working on an AO3 Good Omens fic called "What Fresh Hell is This," about Hecate working for Lucifer. The Lucifer in this chapter is the same as the one in that fic: devilishly handsome, clever, cunning, sweetheart, funny, just an all-around good guy who happens to be the Devil. If you like my portrayal of him and Hecate's teasing, here's the link to WFHIT:

The Dark and Light councils, Vega, Raphael (who had replaced Gabriel as head of the archangels), Beelzebub and even Satan himself spent days confirming Hecate's news of Insa's disappearance. No one could detect any trace of any possible Devouring Entities in any known dimension, and the likelihood that any possible unknown ones were suddenly filled with every destructive force was extremely unlikely.

Crowley and Aziraphale brought Adam Young to Purgatory for questioning, but he knew nothing except that he had dreamt of them vanishing for several successive nights. Satan (or rather Lucifer Morningstar, as he had introduced himself to a petrified Jenna) arrived once Adam left, and seemed as shocked as anyone that his former (sort of) son had exercised control over every known reality.

"I really didn't mean to give him that much power," he insisted in a silky baritone, russet eyes earnest. "All I did was perform that ceremony--Hecate was there--to artificially inseminate that human woman and grant the Antichrist control over this reality, among other powers. I wouldn't even know how to give him more than that!"

"Nor do I," agreed the high priestess sitting beside her boss. "I didn't think it was possible."

Lucifer pointed at Hecate with wide eyes. "Yeah, and she's way smarter than me. So...."

Hecate rolled her eyes and kicked him lightly under the table, eliciting warm chuckles from the devil. Jenna was shocked by how genuinely kind and funny he was. Crowley was an anxious, overprotective mess when Vegas wanted them both at the meeting, and stood tall and sturdy in front of Jenna, face stoic and eyes blazing, as Lucifer approached. Satan had been quite excited to meet Jenna (a Celestern almost as powerful as his XO), who had no idea what to say and just stared at him with huge blue eyes as he shook her hand, all the while thoroughly unaware of Crowley's aggressive stance.

Hecate, however, was not, and told Lucifer to "calm the fuck down" and "stop scaring the poor girl. Can't you see Crowley's about to throw down if you don't get away from her?!" Lucifer finally noticed Jenna's frozen terror and Crowley's frozen terror masking as "fuck off," and stepped away, handsome face ashamed. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Kingsley, didn't mean to--Crowley, I wouldn't dream of--"

"He's just a spaz, you'll have to forgive him," Hecate explained, pale face smirking. "Gets excited so easily, like a toddler in a toy store."

"Hey!" Lucifer frowned at Hecate, hands on his hips. "I resent that. I am neither a spaz nor a toddler, as I have told you countless times."

"Then stop acting like you are."

All in all, not how Jenna had pictured the literal devil.

Neither Jenna, nor Vega, nor Hecate detected any sign that anyone was lying about the Insa disappearance, and while Jenna didn't trust her own radar she certainly did the older, more powerful Celesterns, so after a week it was confirmed: their, and apparently every other dimension, was safe.

Jenna and Crowley chose to celebrate by staying in bed and sleeping for 72 hours, then making sweet, passionate love until they couldn't move. The demon then organized a month-long trip to a private island for them, and hoped Jenna would wear a bikini. The Celestern did indeed, one with black and scarlet patterns like snake scales; as much as Crowley loved it on her gorgeous body, he much preferred it discarded in the sand.

Aziraphale and Samhain had rather fallen in love with the Grecian dimension, as well each other, so they took off for six months with nothing but books and the clothes on their backs, which didn't remain so for long.

Much to Crowley's displeasure, Jenna requested to Vega that she shorten Gabriel, Michael, Sandalphon, Hastur and Ligur's prison sentences in Queens as humans to one year, meaning they would end in five months. The queen of Purgatory agreed they had indeed suffered greatly already, and while it would never be enough for her personally, Heaven and Hell would both run smoother with some of their most powerful beings reinstated. Hecate acquiesced, but did not remove the charms that prevented them from directly harming Jenna, Crowley and Aziraphale, though they could still think whatever they liked. Crowley was rather annoyed by Hastur's shortened punishment until he saw how happy his beloved was with the decision, how freeing forgiving them felt and how confident she was in herself to give the Traitors back their powers. As long as she was happy, it was okay with him.

Jenna began attending regular meetings of the CRS, and Kara became her best friend next to Melissa.

Heaven and Hell resumed their millennia-old feud, though their temporary alliance had resulted in numerous platonic and romantic relationships that everyone knew about but pretended didn't exist.

Adam spent the rest of the summer peacefully, knowing he had unintentionally saved the world again. Still got it, he thought proudly, petting Dog until he fell asleep.

Again, I did not create everything. No one did. What would have been the fun in that?

Things end abruptly, fall apart, don't make sense. Nothing is black or white, least of all Heaven or Hell.

Everything is on the other side of the coin.

Isn't that kind of....beautiful?

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