Deja Vu All Over Again

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Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's pretty foundational because it introduces Samhain (who may or may not be Aziraphale's love interest) as well as the concept of asking deities (Greek, Norse and Egyptian) for help, and reintroduces the archangels and demons I exiled in the first book. I planned to incorporate Hindu deities as well, but don't know anything about the religion and figured everyone was better off without me royally misrepresenting it. I'm sorry there isn't more variety, I wanted to include other deities as well (like Native American, African, Chinese, etc) but know so little I couldn't do them justice without years or even decades of extensive research. Therefore, I'm sticking with what I know: Zeus, Thor and Osiris. I'll need all the help I can get too, so please comment on how I write the gods and goddesses, as well as represent their worlds! Thank you 

All things considered, Jenna was glad the meeting was in a different conference room and the seats arranged in a much less intimidating fashion than when Vega, four holier-than-thou archangels and three disgruntled demons tested her Celesternal powers seven months prior. More specifically, she appreciated sitting between Crowley and Aziraphale around a circular table (rather than alone in front of intimidating supernatural figures) in an office so much more spacious, occupied and noisy than where she first had to demonstrate powers over which she barely had any control. 

Hence the final factor keeping her calm: there were neither scorch marks nor the faint, pervading scent of sulfur here that to Jenna's severe shame and offers to pay exorbidantly (and Vega's laughing her offer off very casually) the queen of Purgatory had been unable to remove from Conference Room B. 

"You alright, love?" Crowley whispered from her left, lowering his anxious face to peer into hers with concern. "Just remember, we can leave whenever--"

"We can't, but I appreciate your delusional support," Jenna chuckled, smiling warmly at her serpent's golden eyes. "I'm still anxious, but much less so that I'm not the focus of this particular gathering." 

"Yes, thank the dear Lord for that!" sighed Aziraphale on her right, placing his hand comfortingly over hers and offering a paternal grin of encouragement.

"Well, Someone, anyway," Crowley muttered, shaking his head and trying to blink away the memories. "That was bloody awful, don't know how we survived that--"

"Well, not to brag," Jenna said sarcastically, "but I did by bursting into Hell flames, then shamelessly leaking holy water from both eye sockets, which cleared most of the room. Including both of you." Her smile fell, as did her guilty gaze. "I'm so sorry about that again, I could have--" she began quietly.

Aziraphale tsked and gripped her hand tighter. "Oh, what's a bit of Hellfire between friends?" he replied, smiling affectionately at his distraught friend. "Besides, we both got to put on a bit of a show for the others, seeing as we're immune to both substances as well--" He winked at her. 

Jenna straightened up quickly. "Oh yes, of course," she said slightly louder, ignoring the knot in her stomach. "What am I saying? Such a dunce--of course neither could harm either one of you!" She smiled mischievously at both.

"Yep," agreed Crowley cheerfully, pulling her into a side hug and kissing the top of her head. "Vega had to snap us out of the bloody room so she could talk to you privately."

"Well, more you than me," Aziraphale corrected him. "I chose to abide by the queen's wishes when she kindly asked us to wait outside Conference Room B, whereas you--"

"--felt it necessary to stay with my girlfriend during a time of immense distress?" finished Crowley testily over Jenna's head. "Yes, as a matter of fact I did! Anything wrong with--"

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