Backstage Hollywood

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I reached into my bag, as Dean and I walked into the area, grabing my phone. We're in Hollywood at another live event.

I glanced down at a message from Eva.

Eva: Hey, I just read Seth is scheduled to be there tonight. Hang in there. Will be there soon. And you'll have to introduce me to this friend Jake or yours. :)

Seth. Great.

Just what I needed. Seth to be here and see what a wreck I have became and just make me feel worse.

Not like he hasn't seen it all online.

"Hey. You okay?" Dean asked glancing down at me.

I nodded, "yeah.. I'm alright."

We walked on down the halls for a few before we went separate ways. Dean to the locker room to get changed and me to go see if Jake was here yet.

Before I could get to the curtain, I stopped.

No....he brought her?.

I was face to face with Seth and his girlfriend.

"AJ.. looking a bit... rough there sweetcheeks." Seth said with a smirk.

I looked around, nearly the whole locker room was around us watching. Including Kaitlyn.

"What's wrong AJ? Looking a bit crazy." He asked again.

"Oh no, babe. She's giving you the crazy eyes!" His girlfriend blurted out in laughter.

"Why don't you just leave AJ? Why do you stick around? You're just a pathetic little crazy girl from New Jersey. You're already suspended! Can't you see no one wants you here anymore. I don't want you anymore." Seth gave a bigger smug smirk. He's trying to toy with my emotions.

It's working. My eyes began filling up with tears. Everyone just stood there staring at the three of us in awe. I could tell they pitied me, but didn't dare say anything.

"Common AJ, now run along little girl. Shu-shu!" His girlfriend exclaimed, speaking like I was a child or a dog.

No. No. No.

My heart began racing. My head hurting. I clenched my fist as I became angrier.


My breathing slowed down and I became normal.

"Oh AJ are you going to attack us now too? Pfft. So pathetic." Seth said putting his arm around his girls waist.

By now my tears all fell.

"Hey AJ what't going-" Dean walked up behind me before seeing Seth and shifted to anger.

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