Silent Hill and Junkfood

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After Seth and the rest of his gang had proceeded down the hall, Kaitlyn and I decided to hit the  showers before we left to pick up our things for movie night.

I walked out of the shower room in my usual outfit. A t shirt, jeans and converse. A Shield shirt to be exact. I loved the feel of it. Made me think of Seth when we were in seperate cities. Which would be happening Sunday.

Seth's going to Amsterdam for a live show and I'm going to Cincinatti for Monday Night Raw.

We won't be together for a good week or two due to our seperate routes on tour, and typically when this happens we like to get together and do something fun. Which typically involves Celeste and the rest of the hounds.

Oh god AJ stop thinking about the negatives. Just think about the fun your going to have with Kaitlyn and the boys tonight.

The boys. It's still weird calling them that. I was so used to knowing and speaking to then seperatly before they became "The Shield".

"Are you alright? You seem really deep in thought." Celeste said coming up behind me.

"Wha- Oh, yes! I'm fine.. just thinking about what snack foods we should get tonight." I said snapping out of my deep thought and trying to find a quick cover up.

I didn't want to seem like a over dramatic girlfriend..even talking to my best friend.

'Oh my gosh I'm not gonna see my boyfriend in like a week blah blah blah' -ugh I hate those girls.

"Well, given that we're going to have the entire Shield there and us..we're gonna need a lot! I swear those guys could eat a dumptruck of wild pigs!" she laughed out.

I began brushing my damp hair and putting my shlew of bracelets on my wrists. I slowely reached into my bag to grab my last object to put on, the necklace Seth bought me for my birthday the first year we started dating. We've been together two.

A little silver heart with diamonds on it.

"Anyways, lets go if we want to get the stuff ready before the pack of beasts arrive." Celeste said grabing her duffel bag off the bench infront of her.

God, I love her Shield refrences.


"Celeste, slow down! You're driving like an animal!" I said holding on for dear life in the car with my insides about churned into butter.

Thanks Cel, you really do know how to make someone sick.

" What do you mean I always drive like this?" she asked not taking an eye off the road.

At least she has that going for her.

"How did you get your license!" I said between panting, trying not to throw up my last meal.

"Oh laugh all you want! I'm a great driver!" she said laughing.

In what world?

Eventually we came to a screeching hault at a little old local movie store in the town we were in.

We ran in and started pulling movies off the rack.

"SILENT HILL!!!!!!" Celeste screamed.

Oh lord Celeste. You and your Silent Hill.

"Can I get it AJ. Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top." she said batting her eyes at me.

"Yes, Cel........Grab the sequel too" I said drawing out the yes as though I was a mother talking to a begging child. Well, I guess in some ways I am.

"YAY!!!!" she yelled even louder, drawing attention.

You sure do know how to draw attention dont you?


After another hour of looking at movies and in the junk food section we finally got to the counter with arm loads of chips, dip, popcorn (extra buttery for Seth) , a bunch of candy and a couple boxes of cosmic brownies.

On top of that we got about 15 movies. Silent Hill 1&2, a Fast and Furious mega pack, Dirty Dancing (yes, Celeste loves that movie), Batman: The Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises, The Purge, We're The Millers, and a few football movies for the boys.

"That will be a total of 75.89" the cashier said as I pulled my credit card out of my Hot Topic Mario Bros wallet.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but you wouldn't happen to be the Divas Champion AJ Lee would you?" he asked.

"Yep, thats me" I said sticking my hand out to shake his.

"It's very nice to meet you Miss Lee." he said leaning down and kissing the top of my hand.

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