The Live Event..

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There were looks coming from each direction..

Shock, sympathy, and disgustation..

Not much difference from a few weeks ago..

Obviously people were shocked that I showed up at a live event of all things while Im suspended, sympathy for what I had become, and disgustation for my actions.

Some even had a look showing they were a little scared for what I do next.

Hopefully nothing..

I walked down the long hallway full of backstage directors and talent with Dean by my side.

We walked on and on in silence until we reached the end and approached the Superstars locker room.

"Well I'm gonna go and get set into my gear.. I'll meet you in catering at 8 so we can head out. " Dean said before turning and entering the room.

I decided to just take a walk around and admire the work all the people were doing setting up back stage and all. Once I relized they were mostly setting up the ring and lights before the people were allowed in, I went through the curtain and sat on the edge of the ramp, dangling my feet.

I just glanced around between the ring set up, the arena employees cleaning up the stands one last time, and the lights/effects/sound set up.

*crash!* "Damnit!" I heard a guy grunt in frustration following the crash that made me jump.

I looked a bit farther to my right to the second curtain entrance to see a guy struggling to carry a suit case, a couple medium sized crates, and a large coil of wire.

He had dropped one of the crates on its side causing it to bust.

I hoped off the ramp and jogged over to him bending down and picking it up beginning to carry it. "Here let me help you"

He gave me a cautionary look before it turned into a look of gratefullness.

"Thanks, April.. Here bring em' over here" He said nodding his head toward an empty table.

I nodded in agreement as I walked over and sat the broken crate beside the table with him in unison.

"Again, Thanks.." He said giving me a tight liped smile before going back and opening the crates and begining to set up the sound bar.

"Its no problem....So. Your name?" I said cocking my head.

"Oh, sorry....Its Jake." He said looking up at he before he looked back at the cables he was currently trying to untangle.

"Here Im good at untangling, let me do it." I said grabbing the cords and beginning to do the untangling.

"Well.......Thanks......Again." He said giving another small smile.

"No Problem..." I said turning and beginning to walk away.

"Hey, April?" He called behind me.

I turned and walked over to him, "yeah?"

"I just want to let you know...I dont think you're crazy. " He gave yet again another small smile.

"Thanks Jake" I smiled.

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