Olive Garden and the Photo Booth.

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We sat in a circle in the living room for alittle while chatting amongst ourselves and sipping our coffee. We stayed quite though mostly....we we're all still tired and hungover.

I was sitting in Seth's arms, Kaitlyn was in Romans arms on the couch and Dean was sitting by himself laying against the recliner....quite like always.

"Dean.. Why are you so quite all the time?" Kaitlyn said relieving the quietness. I was shocked she said that though.

He looked up shocked as I did. His eyes we're as wide as golf balls.

"wait....what?" He said back.

"you...your quite. like..all the time." she said.

well. I'm interested in hearing this.

'here we go. Dean and Kaitlyn smackdown'

"I can talk more if I wanted to." he said

"please don't you may talk my head off!" she said

he looked at her all skwinty eyed.

"you wanna play like that two toned little girl?" he said like a challenge.

"I'm older than you!" she said.

"Hey! we don't have to talk about that. let's focus on the fact you wanna play!"

"Dean...that didn't even make sence.." she said

"Hey. what can I say I'm the confused wonder" he said

"your a wonder. that's for sure!" he said.

"Dean...you need a girlfriend!" Roman said butting in.

"what?! no I don't!" he said back like a child.

"oh Yeah? OK then when was your last girlfriend?" Roman said knowing he was about to make a point.

"erm....ahhhh.... like...ah..um "

"that's what I thought" Roman said knowing he won.

"Hey I dated this one chick for a month or two before I came to WWE!"

"Yeah. OK, and how many years ago was that?"

"OK! you won! but I'm not getting a girlfriend!" Dean said.

"OK. OK. OK. just saying. you look lonely is all. maybe a puppy?"

"Yeah OK. and I'll name it fluffy!"

"awe that's adorable!" Seth butted in acting like a little girl.

'ha I love my little group'

"dude, I'm hungry." Roman said randomly out of no where just like this conversation had.

"me too. Why don't we go out to eat? my treat?" Seth said squeezing my had a little tighter.

'oh my God I love him'

"I'm down." Dean said getting up from his place on the floor.

"I vote Olive Garden." I said squeezing Seth's hand back.

"sounds good... JINX!!" everyone else said in unison.

ha. that was interesting.


"Table for 5 please." Seth said as the waitress grabbed 5 menus off the rack behind her.

"OK this way please." she said motioning us to follow her to a double sized party Booth in the corner.

we all took our seats. me and Seth in one side of the Booth and Kaitlyn and Roman cuddling on the other side with Dean sitting awkwardly beside them.

'awe Celman '

after a few minutes of us just sitting and talking about some upcoming matches we have and storyline possibilities a second waitress came up from the back.

"I'm Stephanie I will be your waitress this evening. shall we start off with drinks?" she said sitting a basket of breadsticks on the table and pulling out her note pad and pen.

"I'll have a sweet tea" Celeste said.



"root beer"


"OK I'll have those right up for you and you just tell me when you'd like to order" she said walking off.


"can I have a to go box please?" Celeste said to the waitress.

"no problem. the waitress said as she walked away to go get her the box.

we had been here and hour and a half and Celeste barely touched her food.

"Celeste..??? are you OK? you barely touched your food.." I said looking at her.

"I don't feel so good...I'm gonna go to the bathroom. you guys head out without me. Roman I'll meet you in the car." she said covering her mouth and running to the bathroom.

after a few minutes of paying the check Seth and I left and went for a walk around the mall next door.

"Seth, I don't want to go shopping. Why did you drag me to a mall?"

"I didn't drag you here to go shopping. I dragged you here for this." he said motioning his hand out to a photo Booth.

not just any photo Booth..the photo Booth we we're at on our first date.


"awe Seth I love photo booths! let's go take pictures!" I said grabbing his wrist and taking him inside.

we spent the time in there taking pictures with us doing crazy faces...but the last one was my favorite..

he kissed me! right on the last picture.

and I was like butter in his hands melting with every inch of this kiss.. I knew I was falling for him but this put the icing on the cake.

*end of flashback*

"oh my gosh Seth!" I gasped out.

"it was where we had our first date...and our first kiss together" he said taking me inside.

we did more pictures like we did the first time. silly ones and one with us just smiling.. and...

on the very last one he pulled me into another kiss.. now I have been melted into butter once more..

'oh my gosh I love him so much'

he is perfect.

so the wait is finally over! the next chapter is here!

again sorry for the wait!

and sorry if it's not too great of a chapter I kinda rushed to put this together because I had no ideas that I thought we're good but here we finally are!

and BTW I just want to say Thanks to my loyal readers. and if you have Facebook or instagram (which I guarantee most if not all of you do) It would be so cool if you guys used these hashtags to spread your love (if you do) and the word about my fanfic: #celman #rollee #brokenfanfic

Thanks for reading!

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