The Unexpected..

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It wasnt long before Celeste came out of the bathroom, changed.

I wonder what Dean wants...

"What's wrong... you seem...nervous?" Celeste said stopping and giving me a confused and caring look.

wow.. is it that obvious?

"No.. nothing.. just tired is all. Getting "attacked" is tireing" I laughed out trying to dismiss her question and play it off.

She gave me her 'you just fed me a line of shit, now come clean' look.

damn.. do you have lie detectors for eyes Cel?

"What?! I'm not lieing!" I said turning and placing my title in my duffle bag.

I havent even told Cel about the weird text I got from Seth. Im just gonna wait and tell her the truth of whats going on when...well, when I actually know whats going on!

"Ok, ok, ok! Well when you want to come clean, you come and tell me." She said throwing her bag over her shoulder.

I decided to finally answer Dean..

Me: Ok, I'll call when I get to the hotel...

I dont even know what to expect right now.


"Ok, Dean what is it..?" I said holding my phone to my ear as I layed across my bed.

" know I would never lie to you.... and there is no easy way to tell you this... an-"

"Dean...please get on with it.."

"I was going to Seth's hotel room to ask him if he wanted to hit the gym with me and Roman...and.... I caught him sleeping with some girl...."

oh. my. god.

I'm speechless... I literally can't speak....

I can hardly breath either, the room is spinning.

"April...?..." Dean asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah.. Im here.."

"Are you ok?.."

"How could I be.."

"April...just know that if you need anything..I'm here. and you have Cel and Eva as well.... I'll be back in the same city as soon as I can ok.?. I have to go now..... please AJ....dont do anything...crazy... please?"


I can't handle this.


It's been 3 hours since my conversation with Dean...

I haven't been able to sleep..

All I've done was lay on my bed and play with my "engagement ring"...

How could he?

What if the weird text was to the girl?...

Of course it had to be AJ dont be so stupid..

*ring, ring, ring*

My hotel phone rang...

The only problem is..theres no caller I.D...


"Hey babe!" He said over the phone.

Seth.. of course its Seth!

"Shouldn't you be calling your girlfriend?"


What am I gonna do?



Its officially went Cray!

Wow...did I seriously say Zayum and Cray?...Ive officially became and 100% fangirl... Ive came to the dark side! Bwahaha!

Welp I hope you liked this chapter..that or hated it because you hate that Seth cheated on AJ... but whatevs'!

Expect an update soon! like very very soon! More in the time span of tonight or tomarrow. Im in a writing mood!

I will also be updating my other Dean fanfiction tonight as well most likely tonight as well.. And if you havent checked that fanfiction out please be a doll and check it out. it would be much appreciated!

And I would also like to thank ya'll that read and are fans of this fanfic! Ya'll are great! I remember when I started this I thought I wouldnt have any fans or get many reads and you all proved me wrong! and I am so greatful that I have Ya'll that enjoy my chapters and comment and vote for the fanfiction! I love you all genuinely!

Btw (yes I know I have made a giant authors note on this chapter but oh well!) I am currently working on hopefully soon starting another fanfiction or two. Im wanting to start a Roman fanfiction and I would like to restart my Miley fanfiction that I used to have but deleted because I didnt like what I had written so far, so be on the look out for those!

and one more thing! (jeez cant I shut up already!? ;)) If any of Ya'll want to message me and get to know me, ask me questions concerning my fanfictions or stories, want to give me ideas, get my opinion on things, tell me a story or fanfiction you think I should check out, ect. do it! Im open to new friends and suggestions and would love to hear from ya'll personally!

Thanks again! ♡

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