Films, and......Drinking?

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We were all gathered in our suite watching the end to the second Silent Hill. Seth and I were cuddled on the Love seat, Roman and Celeste sitting awkwardly on the big couch on opposite sides and Dean sitting on the floor leaned against the side of the love seat Seth and I weren't on.

Cel was right. The movies were pretty good!

Pyramid head kicks ass. Common' he's a guy with a giant sword that he can barely lift himself but still kills people perfectly.

Great im getting sucked into a fandom. next I'll be making fanpages on tumblr and writing fanfiction!

I was cut off from my Silent hill fandom thinking by the cred music and Roman and Celeste flipping out about how "good" it was.

"See, that's why I love that movie!" Celeste said putting infasis on the word movie as if she was making a point.

"That movie never gets old! The games are pretty good too but the movies are EPIC!" Roman said sounding like the biggest dork Ive ever seen!

Can this room get any more dorkyish?

Dorkyish? Is that even a word? Oh well.

"Hey AJ, you have anymore chocklate stuff?" Roman said giving me puppy dog eyes.


You Samoan softy!

"Yeah! I want some too!" Celeste said as I got up, grabbed the nutella and two spoons.

I turned around and tossed it all on the couch.

"Here, knock yourselves out"

"Yes!" they said in unison.

Ya' know I'm not a big shipper but I definitely ship this!

'Celman or Reignins'

Celman. Definitely Celman. It might sound like a medicine but Reignins sounds like a butt disease!

"Hey are you guys in the mood for drinking tonight? I'll pay! It's our last weekend together. We might as well try to have fun." Seth said standing up as though he was a presenter at a job orientation.

"Im in. " Dean said for the first time tonight.

"Yeah, lets do it." Celeste added, digging into the nutella.

"Alright, Roman and I will go to the liquor store. You, Dean and Celeste stay here." Seth said going over to the kitchen and putting on his jacket.

"Im going!" Celeste said jumping up and running over to put on his boots.

" and Dean stay here since Celeste is getting all jumpy." he said doing jazz hands on the word jumpy.

"hhey!" she said punching his arm.


A few minutes later after they left I went into the bathroom to clean up before the night rolls on. Comfy clothes and messy ponytail.

I never drink. I've had maybe a few beers once or twice when I've had a bad day, but I'm not a get wasted on vodka kinda person.

I don't want to get wasted on anything.

Dean still didn't say anything to me directly. I don't know what his problem is. Does he not agree that I should be dating Seth?

No, that doesnt make sense. He's his best friend, and him and I were really close.

I don't know, all I'm going to focus on is having fun with Seth before the tour splits us up.

I slowly slip on my batman fuzzy pajama pants and a black tank top and out my hair in a messy bun.

I put on Spotify on my phone and played it softly, not too loud.

I began brushing my teeth and rocking back and forth to the music's guitar riffs.


I walked out of the bathroom and skipped to the counter to plug in my phone.

Nice. way to let your inner crazy out

I noticed that Dean was sitting alone in the living room.

I feel sorry that no one talks to him anymore but he doesn't really......speak anymore himself.

I started to fiddle with my phone when I was startled by a soft voice.

"I heard you singing in the was good..I mean I know it was an actual song and not an original from you but you sounded good going along with it." Dean said looking at me.

The zombies alive!

"Wow, you talked! Thanks anyway though. Why havent you been talking? Ever since a few years ago you just stopped.... I mean I know you talk to like family and Roman and onscreen lines, but not much me or Seth. Why's that?" I said pulling up a chair and sitting on it with the back on my chest "teacher style".

I feel like I just kind of bonbarded him, but I've got to get this off my mind.

"Haven't had much to say really.."

"Dean Ambrose not having anything to say! That will be the day! You used to talk to me all the time. Told me jokes and gave me encouraging words when I was nervous and told me things about your life before WWE. I think you have something to say. You just don't know how to say it. You're afraid of the outcomes."

We sat there staring at each other for a second before everyone walked in.

I guess I'll never know...


So what did you guys think?
Awe Deany talked for once! Wonder what he's hiding? I wonder what happens tonight with them.

Anyways give me some feedback in the comments or my inbox. orinbox me if you just want to talk, im open to conversations. and check out my 'about me' box on my wattpad page and see my info for instagram, kik, ect. If theres any stories or fanfictions on here you think I should read to feel free to inbox me the names!♡

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