The Urge

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You woke up tired and yawned as you made yourself somewhat presentable. After you got ready, you made your way to the kitchen. Just as Hill said, a beautiful breakfast was already prepared. You sat down at the table alone and took in the food hungrily. You were so busy stuffing your face with bacon, you didn't notice Furry walking in.

"Good morning Ms. Y/n."

"Oh...uh, morn-morning sir." You mumbled through the food in your mouth. You could feel your cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"I see you're enjoying breakfast." He stated.

"Uh yeah, it's really good." You replied still red in the face.

He didn't say anything as he left.

"Okay then." You said as you went back to your food.

After you finished eating you decided to explore the SHIELD base. You said hello to everyone that you walked past. Some were nice and said good morning, some just smiled politely. Others, ignored you all together. "Rude." You thought to yourself. You pasted this boy who couldn't have been more than two years older than you. He stared at you strangely which made you feel uncomfortable. You smiled politely, but he just kept staring. You picked up the pace wanting to get away from his sharp gaze as you turned a corner.

Hours later you forgot all about the strange boy as you made your way back to your room. You closed your door as you entered the room and before you could react, a hand was placed over your mouth as you were slammed into the wall roughly. You locked eyes with the person pinning you to the wall and realized that it was the strange boy from earlier.

"I know what you really are." He growled.

You smacked his hand away from you, "I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm a shifter, it's not really a secret you idiot! Now why the hell are you in my room?!"

"You're right, but I know you're losing control. It's hard isn't it, to fight against your natural instincts, the urge to fully embrace the animals, the urge to fully become one of those creatures." He stepped back and let you go as he spoke.

"H-how do you know that?" You asked shocked. You never told a soul this secret, not even Loki.

"Follow me so we can talk, privately." He said as he walked out of your room.

You cautiously followed him, ready if he tried anything. He led you to a semi secluded area of the base so you two could talk freely.

"Explanation, now." You demanded.

You watched as his eyes turned cat like and claws appeared from his hands. He opened his mouth to reveal a set of sharp fangs.

"Oh my god," you gasped in shock, "Are you a shifter too?"

His claws retracted, his fangs disappeared, and his eyes returned to normal. "Not exactly." He answered.

"Then what are you?" You ask slowly. You still didn't trust him.

"Let's just say I know what it's like to have the urge to go full animal. The urge to let the beast take over, the urge to hunt. The urge to pounce on any living thing around you."

"Stop." You said weakly, you could feel the lion in you stir.

"The urge to chase something down while you can hear their beating heart pumping faster and faster and faster—"

"Stop!" You say louder as the familiar feeling of shifting started to slowly take over. You were trying so hard to control the animal in you, but the boy kept on pushing.

"The urge to catch something and stand over it like a god, before tearing it to shreds, before ripping it apart--"

"Stop!" You shout as you fall to the floor inches away from shifting, but still trying to hold the beast inside you back.

"The urge to feel the warm blood on your hands, to feel the metallic blood in your mouth as you bite into the flesh, the urge to kill--"

"STOP!" You scream as you lose control. You fought to get control again, but it was too late. You felt your body shifting into the huge lion as the boy stood there grinning.

You swung your huge paws at him and clawed at his now small body. You ripped him apart and felt his warm sticky blood soaking your elegant fur. You could hear his heart beating faster and faster. A second later his heart beats slowed, getting softer and softer until it finally stopped. You continued tearing him apart, all common sense left you. All that was left was the mind of a wild beast. A beast that was bloodthirsty and hungry. You growled loudly as you felt a dart going into the side of your massive body. You turned your huge furry head  and saw a bunch of agents pointing guns at you including Hill and Furry. You started to bound towards the agents when you felt another dart hit you, then another, and another. That's the last thing you remembered before you blacked out.

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