Chapter 14

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Thursday, July 23rd, 2012


“What are you wearing over your swimsuit?” Selena asked me.

“Probably just this with some shorts.” I held up a sheer top.

“Cute, I’ll wear mine that is like it.” she said with a smile.

I smiled back at her and stood up to changed. I didn’t care at all when it came to changing in front of people. Well girls that is, not guys, I definitely cared about changing in front of guys. Most girls would anyways. Random thought; Selena is like 3 years older than me, but we’re still friends. I guess age didn’t really matter, but just a random thought like I said.

I put on my outfit over my swimsuit and put my hair down. I just let it out of the bun and left it. It looked messy, but I had no one to impress. Well I did want to impress Justin somewhat… Ugh fine, I’ll brush through it. I brushed through my hair and dabbed on a little make-up so that I looked decent. Sel finished getting ready about the same time as me and we headed out of her room and downstairs. The guys were ready way before us, so they were just sitting around bored out of their minds.

“Finally,” Zayn said, “I wouldn’t have agreed to go if I knew that you would take this long.”

“Oh shut up!” Selena yelled at him.

She pushed him playfully and they both laughed as he grabbed her. They were so cute together… I wanted a relationship with a guy like that. I guess I could have it with Justin if I wanted, but I wasn’t so sure about that.

We all got in Selena’s car. Justin and I made Harry sit in the way back all by himself while we sat in the back. He made a pouty face, but we just laughed at him. I felt very lucky to be sitting by myself. I mean usually everywhere we went the car was packed and I had to sit on Justin’s lap. That absolutely sucked, and I always hit my head.

We arrived at the beach and I was the first one out of the truck. It was the best feeling to me, but obviously not Justin as he slowly stepped out, shutting the door behind him. I held out my hand and he took it in his and we intertwined our fingers. We all walked in a group down to the beach while we made Harry carry all of the bags. I felt kinda bad, seeing he was the only single one.

“I see, leave the single one to carry the bags. I’m like the fifth wheel!” he said.

“Oh Harry, do you want attention to?” I said in a baby voice.

He nodded with a pouty face and I just laughed and shook my head. I couldn’t exactly give him any attention seeing I was Justin’s ‘girlfriend’ right now. We all found a place down towards the shore and laid out blankets and towels. Sel and I stripped to our swimsuits and laid out while the boys sat around us. I put on my sunglasses and closed my eyes.

After a while of tanning, I decided to sit up. I made Justin sit behind me so that I could lean against him as I sat up. He put his arms around my stomach and held me as we rocked back and forth. I couldn’t help but smile, just hoping that I could trust him like I did before again.

That was like my biggest pet peeve when I went to the beach, I can’t stand sand on my towel. And I lectured Justin about it for about 10 minutes before he put his hand over my mouth. I licked his hand and he just laughed at me.

“I don’t care if you lick my hand.”

He pulled his hand away and I pretend gagged.

“We should go swimming.” Justin whispered in my ear as he rocked us back and forth once again.

“How about you go swimming and I lie out and tan?”

“You’re so stubborn.”

“Not really, it’s just you.”

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