karls thoughts

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(Karls pov)

I cant remember where I am or what's happening. All I see is black.

Everybody else....

I feel like im crying but I don't know for sure.

I cant move to check.

I want to hug nick.

God how much I want to be held by him right now.

I feel scared but I can't remember why.

I dont even think im awake.

Maybe im in some type of void of my mind.

That would be interesting.


What, was that-


I screamed trying to see if I can move or see something.

Nick....please, where are you.

"NICK......" I start crying or I think im crying.




I dont want to be alone anymore.

Is this all just a cruel joke.

Is this some bad, gone wrong, skeppy video.

I dont even know anymore.

I feel tired.

I wanna move, get out of whatever this is and go back to nick, alex, dream, George, punz. Everyone.

I just don't know where I am.

Will I ever know.

Am I trapped here.

"AHGK-" I start to feel pain in my throat.

It burns.

I start coughing.

Non stop coughing, then it turns in to violently throwing blood and food.

I feel myself stop breathing as more and more blood comes up.

I try to breathe but I just end up choking on the blood slowly suffocating.


My eyes dart open, im sweating and shaking. It felt so real.

Was it real?

its barley bright enough to see, but I can.

I look around, I dont recognize anything around me. Where is this?

I look down at myself, I only have blood on my arms, so I guess the weird dream wasn't real.

I start looking around again there's basically nothing in the room, but a camera facing me. I dont remember how I got here, last thing I do remember is me at home watching TV. I barely even remember that.

I cant move, my arms are tied to a chair. I cant break the chair like in the movies because its metal and welded to the floor.

My legs are also tied to the chair.

I dont know how im gonna get out of this situation, im too weak to fight,
Im too stupid to trick them and im to scared to do anything.

So im probably going to die.

Maybe I should try to think about my life choices I made, if im gonna die I at least want a free conscience.

The first time I met nick was really interesting,

I was with alex like always, we were laughing about something stupid while in passing period, we just got to our lockers, when alex saw George he waved at him to come over to us, George was one of are good friends and we all usually where hanging out.

He came over to us, and we all just laughed about are group chat name, (we have sex) it was just funny to us, it was probably because we were all immature freshman but its really still funny to this day.

At that time my hair was darker like George's and I was short as George too, I am still as short as him but that doesn't matter, I had my hood up because I just liked it up.

Me and George where wearing the same color hoodie but my hoodie was barley lighter.

I heard someone running behind me, before I could turn around, they picked me up.

"Hah its like you've gotten smaller gogy" someones voice said that i didn't recognize, while I was still in shock of them picking me up thinking I was George.

"Sap- pft- sapnap thats not me-" George cried laughing, wheezing like clay from my biology class.

Nick dropped me so fast, I didn't have anytime to prepare, so I just slammed into the floor.

I could hear George and Alex dying, laughing on the ground not containing the laughter at all.

I looked up after rubbing my head, it hurt I literally got dropped. I saw nick looking extremely embarrassed, his face was all pink.

It was funny, I started giggling. He started to look down at me with a "im so sorry " look on his face.

I just looked up at him and smiled, he helped me up from the ground and apologized for dropping me.

I said it was all good, George was still laughing, while alex came over to me and asked if I was ok before continuing to burt out in laughter.

After that day nick came around more and more, we became pretty good friends after a few months, and soon after I started to have feelings for him and one day we went out to eat and mess around when he kissed me at a very romantic moment, and sence that day we've been together.

It actually was really funny when he picked me up that day, because he just told George he liked me, I did talk to him before that but barely so im still kinda confused why he liked me but it doesn't bother me really, but it was probably the most embarrassing thing for him at the time.

Remembering that made me happy, but then it made me sad.

What happens i dont get to see them again, I miss them I dont want to leave them.

I feel myself cry as I think back at more memories I had with them.

I hope I can at least see them again, maybe tell them I love them before I go or something.

The door behind me started to open.
I couldn't look behind me because of the chair so I didn't know what was going on. I heard something like metal get pulled out.

Im scared.

Taken. (karlnap) Where stories live. Discover now