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(Karls pov 1 year ago on the day of the recording)

"Karl can I come over today" I looked over to alex who was just opening his locker.

"Of course, but nick will be over too if thats ok. he already asked earlier." I smiled leaning against my locker

He closed his locker taking out his backpack.

"Yeah thats fine, nick and me are great friends, I thought you knew that." Alex said as we both started walking out of the school

"Yeah I know I just wanted to make sure." I said as I started to walk backwards smiling.

We started to joke around, I kept laughing because of alex and his stupid voices.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, so when my foot stepped on something I wasn't prepared. I started to fall back.

Alex didn't notice till I fell into someone.

Once I Processed what happened, I looked up.

"Hey cutie didn't think you'd fall for me again " nick smiled, putting his arms around me.

Alex started to laugh

"Karl your face when you fell HA-"

He kept laughing.

I turned so I was facing nick, he looked down at me. I smiled Hugging him.

"So is alex coming over too now"

"Yeah he is, is that ok"

"Yeah thats perfectly fine, but I think we should get him before George punches him."

I look over to where nick was looking, alex was singing and dancing around George while dream was on the floor dying.

I sighed.

How did this even happen. I smiled walking over there with nick.

Few hours past.

I was on the couch with nick and Alex, I was in the middle of them. Me and alex were playing minecraft, nick was just watching, sometimes on his phone.

Me and alex just finished with our house, it was looking really good.

Thats when my mom walked in. She told me we needed to talk in a minute.

I didn't think anything of it so I just ignore the unsettling feel in my stomach.

I started to laugh with nick as alex starts running around the minecraft world, he kept dying by accident it was funny.

I looked out the window for a second, I started to look back at the TV, then something caught my eye
It was something shiny in the distance.

I looked closer then I realize it was a camera and a random guy.

A wave of fear filled my body.

How long had he been there, is he recording my house?

I started to freak out, what should I do. Should I tell them.

I look over to nick and alex laughing as they play minecraft.

" Karl can we talk now" my mom stepped into the living room

"Y-yeah sure" I stuttered

I walked into the other room with my mom, my dad was already in there waiting.

"So whats up?" I said trying to ignore the random man with the camera that was outside.

"Me and your father are leaving."

I was confused I didn't know what they were talking about. Leaving?  What does that mean.


"Your father and I got a job/vacation type thing, and where leaving tomorrow." My mom said with a straight face no emotion, no nothing.

"How long is it gonna be, can I come visit like whats happening."

I was confused, scared and sad. I didn't want them to leave.

"It will be about 3 years or more, but im sure your old enough to take care of yourself." My dad stepped in

"I- wait why are you leaving me?" I felt the tears fall from my eyes

"We need this job karl, don't be selfish you'll still live in the house and well send money every month, but you can't call us or text so this will be the last time we speak for awhile."

I started crying more, why? Why would they do this? What did I do?
Is it my fault?

I felt my knees get weaker, I could barely stand, my parents walked out of the room without blinking an eye.

I fell to the ground, I cant deal with this.
My parents are leaving me and I cant even stop them.

I heard alex and nick walking over to me they sounded concerned, i couldn't even bring myself to get up.

(Nicks pov)

Karl got up to go talk to his mom in the other room.

Me and alex continued playing minecraft,  I heard some talking from the other room it sounded serious. I wonder if karls ok.

After a bit I heard the door open and karls mom and dad walked out but not karl.

I heard some sniffles and muffled crying from the room, I started to get concerned so I got up from the couch and so did alex.

We walked over to the room to see Karl crying on the floor.

I rushed over to him and put him in my arms. He quickly hugged me back crying.

I felt my heart break, what happened?

Alex came over and started to comfort karl too.

We were both confused what happened but we'll ask later.

After a minute or two I felt karl calm down. I looked at his face it was all puffy and red. 

I started to ruffle his hair. I smiled

"Hey if you wanna talk about it we can all go to your room and talk" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah that sounds nice" I nodded and got up alex helped karl up and hugged him.

When we got to karls room I closed the door, we all sat on his bed.

"So what did they say?" Alex asked

"There leaving me...."

I looked over to karl, I was shocked. There leaving him?

"What do you mean" alex turned he looked a bit mad

"I MEAN THERE LEAVING ME FOR 3 YEARS FOR A FUCKING VACATION" Karl screamed. It caught me off guard.

I was slightly pissed, why are they leaving there son for a vacation.

"3 fucking years? What kind of bullshit is that, can you visit them or call?"  Alex looked frustrated.

"They said I couldn't, today would be the last time I could talk to them for years" Karl started to tear up again

Alex looked like he wanted to scream at them, I would too how could they leave there son. He's amazing he treats them like there everything to him. But they hate him, they never say they love him or if they care.

Its horrible, he deserves so much better.

I brought him into a hug again, he hugged me back. Alex started rubbing his back.

I heard a camera click from the window, me and alex looked at each confused. I looked down at karl, he seemed to just fall asleep. I slowly let go of him and lay him down on his bed.

I go to the window I here the click again. Alex quickly opens the curtains but no one was there.

We were confused but we were worried about karl more so we ignored it.

Taken. (karlnap) Where stories live. Discover now