CD 4 pt 2

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(Sapnaps pov)

We've been driving for hours. It says we're almost there. But first we had to stop to get stuff for the forest so if we find him we can tell each other since there's no phone service out there.

I walked into the gass station, it seemed older and kinda gross but whatever, dream went to grab what we need while I was there so he could keep an eye on me. I understood why, im unstable ill probably snap if I don't find Karl soon.

Once he grabbed the stuff he told me to pay for it while he went to the bathroom, he handed me a 20 and left.  I went to the cashier and put the stuff down so he could scan it.

It took awhile for him to do so since he kept being a creep. But he finally scanned them and i payed then got the hell out of there.

Dream was already at the car, I hoped in and we drove off.  Im scared, i Don't know what to expect.

We got to the forest, it was huge. We drove on a dirt path for like 10 minutes till we stopped.

I quickly got out so did everyone else. I yelled for Karl, I started to run around and search. They yelled after me but I kept running.

I need to find him, I took out the map of the forest and started to search were the guy circled. I just needed to find him.

I heard noises behind me so I quickly turned around, it was punz. I sighed and greeted him. He smiled and told me to stay with him so we could contact the others.

I agreed and we continued looking. it was about an hour and a half later. I started to freak out. Everything was making me freak out.

I looked everywhere for him. He not here. I dont know where he is. What do I do. He's dead isn't he, he's gone.

I start crying, I couldn't take the fact he could be dead. Punz stopped walking, I was wondering why till I saw a bunker latch.

"CALL THEM ON THE RADIO" I screamed as I quickly opened the door. I ran down the stairs leading towards the hallway in the bunker. There was only one room at the end of the hallway.

I ran towards the door. I quickly opened it then stopped moving. There he was stone cold and not moving, he looked like shit. He was extremely pale and looked starved.

I ran to him crying and yelling his name. I put him in my lap and checked his pulse, he was still breathing. I pulled him into my arms  and screamed.

"TELL THEM TO CALL THE POLICE OR SOMETHING NOW" I screamed as loud as I could while I picked him up.

I put my jacket over him and walked out the bunker. Punz ran over to me, he looked at me then at karl, his face turned to pure anger. I cried, he said he told them to call the cops.

I just held karl closer, "your gonna be ok I promise" I whispered as I heard sirens in the distance.


(Karl's pov)

Am I dead? Everything is black, I feel cold. But I can hear someone, there saying my name. It sounds like....


My eyes flung open. I felt horrible, I looked around it was white. It was a hospital, I felt my hand being squeezed, thats when I looked down. Ther he was.

Sapnap sat with tears in his eyes. He was looking at me with a smile. I missed that smile. I felt myself crying.

He hugged me. I kept crying. I heard more people come in. It was quackity, George, dream and punz. They all started crying when they looked at me and so did I.

They all hugged me and talked to me about what happened. I couldn't really remember any of it but I remember what I felt.

A nurse came in and said someone left me something at the front desk. I took it and questioned what it could have been.

They all looked at the gift too, they  all looked confused as much as I was. I opened the box to find a single Polaroid picture and a CD.

When I saw the picture, I almost threw up. It was disgusting. I shoved the box off my bed and screamed. I started crying more. They all looked at me worried, but I didn't care i was scared.

(Quackity's pov)

When karl screamed it caught us off guard, I picked up the box he threw off the bed. When I looked at it. I was horrified.

The picture was a picture of karl in this room sleeping, and there was a note underneath it saying, "ill see you again" then there was a CD that just read "Karl :)" I dropped the box and looked at everyone then at karl.

Who ever just gave the front desk this box was the person who took karl. He was just here. I looked out the window.


Taken. (karlnap) Where stories live. Discover now