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(Karl's pov, 3 years ago 8th grade he's 14 )

"sweetie Alex outside," my mom yells from the kitchen.

I quickly run to the backdoor forgetting the lunch my mom just prepared for me. I swiftly open the door slightly swinging it but stopped it in time before the door hit the wall,

"Woah Karlos excited to see me I see" Alex grinned leaning on the wall he didn't realize how far the wall was so he leaned a bit too far but played it off like he meant to do that.

"it looks like you wanted to see me more since your the one here, knocking at my door," I say smiling walking out of the doorway closing the door behind me.

he puts his arms around me, " so Karl we've been in middle school for almost 2 years now do you got any hot babes chasing you yet" he smiled as we started to walk down to the park.

" yeah no, I haven't been interested in anyone yet." I laughed trying to hide my embarrassment but I knew my best friend could see right through me.

"Karl there's no need to be embarrassed, I understand, all the girls at our school are kind of weird anyway but Hannah and minx they're pretty chill," he said reassuring me.

I smiled as we got to the park, I ran to the swings. I sat down on the swing, I started to gently swing when Alex started getting closer.

" I'm surprised no one is here," I said as Alex sat in the swing beside me.

"Yeah, me too it's usually packed on a Saturday" he started to swing in unison with me.

"so how are you and Cole," I said with a smirk.

(Cole is not a real person or someone from in the mcyt community. I needed a random name for the story I'm doing in this chapter, and I heard quackity does like to be shipped I don't know if that's true but I will believe it because I don't want to be wrong and disrespect Alex. so yes he will be in a relationship in this chapter but it won't be for long I don't ship him with this random person I made up I'm just doing this for the plot so please no hate, and if there's something wrong with that please tell me and ill fix it.)

"Cole and I are fine, he hasn't talked to me today but he's probably just busy." he smiled it looked forced.

he never had the best relationship with Cole but it wasn't toxic Cole was just busy sometimes, and they always make it up to each other there were great friends before this so they know how to deal with each other.

(Alex's pov)

my phone started to buzz, I took it out of my pocket.

it was my mom.

I answered the call, she seemed down her voice was a bit shaky and when she talked she seemed like she was avoiding something.

"Alex where are you?" she seemed worried, 'I told her was going over to Karl's.'

"I'm at the park with Karl?" I stopped then continued "is there something wrong? what happened?" I questioned

"its- its " she paused for a bit then continued "its Cole, he got into an accident" before she could keep going I interrupted her

"Is he ok?" I asked, I looked over to Karl tears forming in my eyes. he looked over with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry...he didn't-" I dropped my phone before she finished.

I started crying, Karl rushed over to me picking up my phone and talking to my mom for me. he rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

even though we've only been together for a few months we were friends for years before that, so I feel like a part of me died, I miss him already why did this happen, who did this.

Karl wraps his arms around me, I'm guessing my mom told him. he was friends with Cole too so he's probably feeling like shit also.

Me and Karl stayed there for an hour hugging and crying and trying to understand why this happened.

we went backed to my house Karl spent the night he didn't want to leave me alone. we spent the whole night talking, crying, and playing video games. he really is my best friend he knows exactly how to make me feel better.

I'm glad I still have Karl, if I lose him I don't know what id do.

as long as Karl's by my side in sad times I'll feel better.......

(Alex's pov, current day)

why does everyone I love get taken away?



they were the people that made me happy when I was sad.

now I don't have them.

' am I not supposed to be happy?'

" Alex?" George said from the other side of the bathroom door.

I got up and open the door. once I did I hugged George and started crying.

he seems confused from the slight hesitance to hug back but after a few seconds, he hugged me back tightening the hug.

it was like that day all over again crying in a friend's arms over losing someone I loved.

I wish this didn't keep happening, but life's not fair.

"Alex I miss Karl too," George said as we hugged.

I smiled resting my head on George's shoulder. at least I still have George, if I lose him too, then ill probably lose it.

I'll find you Karl and I won't let anyone hurt you again.  


So im not the happiest about this chapter it was rushed and I was very bored writing it at the end. Mostly because my power has been going out then on and its stressing me out, so I haven't had time to actually write when I want to, I had an idea for this chapter I think I did what I had in mind but not the best way I could have so im sorry. I may write this again but for now its this. thank you for understanding.

And people in Texas like me Please stay safe and I hope everything is well from all the power outages, And all the other places that are experiencing this. 


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