CD 4

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(clays pov)

Everyone was in the living room, the cd was in my hand. there was just a note saying that this was the last one.

None of us knew what that meant or if that meant we would never see Karl again. 

We were all scared.

I walked over to the cd player and put the cd in, I wanted to get this over with and I think we all wanted to find Karl.

I sat by George holding his hand, he was shaking.

the video started to play......

"This is the last time you'll get one of these because I'm bored. so here's the only way you can find Karl." he paused you could hear random shuffling and moving in the background, the video turns on you can see a map on a wooden desk and the man's hands with a dim light shining on them. 

"there, that's the forest where he is." he pointed with a pen then circled it, the forest looked at least 10 miles wide if not 20. "hes somewhere deep inside you'll know when you find where he is, but there's a catch

I felt George move slightly at the word.

"This should be clay's CD, so I've heard you like to speed run right?" he paused like he actually was waiting for my response.

I looked around, nick was leaning on the back of the couch, he looked stressed. quackity looked broken he wanted to cry but no tears came out. punz he looked mad, I'm scared to even look at him.

"well, I'm guessing you would say yes, so your speed running to find your dear friend Karl jacobs. you have 24 hours starting the point you hear this or he dies, but you still can't call the cops if you do I have a button right here that will slowly poison him to death, and you better get going he might not need me to press this button to kill him. he's badly hurt." 

the video the sound, everything ends. 

we all looked at each other.

(nicks pov)

we need to go.

I run to get the keys to Clay's truck, I toss them to him and we all hurry into the car. it was slightly cramped but I sat in the front with clay so it didn't bother me. I opened google maps, I opened the picture I took of the location the guy showed us. 

I put the location into the app and we drove off.

All I felt was panic, panic and anger. Karl is dying and i can't do anything, he somewhere in a random forest, And he could be anywhere in there.

I looked how long it was to get there, 3 hours. Fuck man, he may be dead by that time.

I felt tears run down my face

"Don't be dead please" I whispered to myself


Ok im not technically done with this chapter just felt bad I hadn't posted anything for a bit so you can have this teaser ig lol

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