cd 3

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(George's pov)

"George?" I heard a muffled voice say

I start to rub my eyes, 'did I fall asleep. All I remember is that I was crying.'

I look up to see dream, he was smiling but he looked worried.


I started to sit up, dream walked over, and sat on the side of the bed.

"Are you ok?" He put his hand on mine he seemed concerned.

"Not really. I miss Karl, and seeing him like this makes me sick" I said starting to tears up

'Karl is one of my closest friends and just thinking something horrible is happening to him at any moment is terrifying.'

Dream pulls me into a hug, I tighten the hug. 'I really need dream right now, so I'm glad he's here.'

I feel him kiss the top of my head. I smile but it soon fades.

"George, I have to go check up on things downstairs really quick but ill come back up later and we can hang out," he says as he moves my hair out of my face.

I nod and he gets up. After about 5 minutes the door opens again but it was Alex who entered.

"Hey, George how are you?"

I smile and say I'm not doing great.

We started talking about what's happening and how to make us feel better.

(Clays pov)

'I went downstairs to see Luke and nick talking, it looked like they were apologizing to each other."

Alex was just crying. I went up to him and said if he wanted he could go hang out with George. 'They were good friends so I thought it could help both of them. '

I walked over to the kitchen, I was looking for some food to make up for everyone.

'I haven't gone to the store since my mom left for work, she won't be back for like another month.'

Maybe I should just order food.

I look at what time it is, '7:43 am it's early but it's been 2 days since this started and all our sleep schedules are fucked.'

I start looking through places that can deliver at this time.

Then I saw it.

A cd on the counter, it wasn't Nick's or Alex's. It was George's, 'I felt my heart drop for different reasons.'

'If George watches this it may break him and he may never be the same.

I don't want to see him like that, I love him and if I see him like that I don't know what I'd do.'

'But how did it get in my house?'

I look around, 'I don't think Nick or Luke brought this in because I think they'd tell us. I doubt Alex could handle touching another one of these.'

'So who put it here?'

"Clay where are you?" George says from the living room

I quickly put the disk in a random cabinet, right as George enters the kitchen.

"I'm right here," I say awkwardly

"Ok......can I have a hug?" George brings his arm out

I happily expect the hug.

"Are you ok?" I start messing with his hair.

"I'm doing better, Alex helped" I smiled letting go of the hug, 'im happy Alex helped.'

Taken. (karlnap) Where stories live. Discover now