chapter 2, cd 1

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(Sapnaps pov)

What is this? I pick up the cd.
Why does it have my name on it?

"Guys I found something"

  alex came walking upto me confused and soon did George.

They looked at the cd i was holding, then looked at me.

"Something has to be wrong with karl, we should head back to clays and see what this is." George states trying to sound clam but he clearly was worried.

We walked out of the house and headed towards clays.

While walking i started to freak out slightly.

What if something is extremely wrong with him and I just decided to go make sure he's ok after 3 days. Even though he just stopped responding to my messages yesterday, I still should have checked up on him.

We where about half way there when alex said something, finally breaking the tense silence.

"Karls gonna be ok right?"

Alex stops walking.

"Like I know we don't know for sure what happened, he could just be out shopping or something, but what if he's in trouble or dead" alex was just looking at the ground.

I dont think George noticed but I did, he was crying. Alex and Karl have been bestfriends sence birth basically, there like tommy and tubbo in a way. So when I saw him crying I knew why, him just thinking something bad happened to his bestfriend probably destroys him.

And for me im karls boyfriend and have been for a few years. I'm on the verge of breaking down myself, but I can't right now i have to see whats on that cd, something tells me its not good.

Its been silent for a minute sence alex said that, George just looked kinda freaked out and confused probably not knowing what to really do.

I looked at alex and walked over to him. He looked up at me, he was still crying. I just hugged him. In a bro to bro kinda way.

He hugged me back and said thank you as we let go. I just smiled at him and said its gonna be okay.

We finally got to clays house. Everyone was surprisingly still there.

We walked into the house, saying hi to everyone. They all looked confused probably wondering how karl was.

We all sat on the couch, the cd was still in my hand.

"So is karl doing ok" bad asked

" he wasn't there" I said worried

"Wait what do you mean he wasn't there" punz asked confused

" no one was at the house and the door was unlocked" alex said calm as he took the cd from my hands

"We found this cd there, it had nicks name on it, we don't know where karl is and this is the only hope to find him." Alex said putting the cd in the cd player dream had.

We where all sitting in the living room together, I sat on the couch with dream and George, punz sat on my left on the slightly smaller couch with alex, Niki was standing behind one of the couches and bad was sitting on the arm chair by George.

When the cd started playing it was weird. Then it started to freak me out.

"Hello? Ok its on.......hello nick"

There was nothing on the screen yet, but when it said my name i felt terrified.

"I'm guessing your with people.
Clay, George, alex, Luke, Niki and darryl." The voice from the screen said

"Is this a prank?" Punz said sounding confused and sacred

"Luke calm down, we all dont know what's going on ok" alex said resuming the video

I could tell everyone was scared, how did this random person know our names?

" im guessing by now you know karls gone?"

I tensed up, I feel my blood boil. What the fuck did he do to karl.

"Well before I tell you a hint to find him ill show you this first."

The TV starts showing a 1st person view of someone walking. I start getting uncomfortable, thats when I saw where they where.

Thats karls street.

The man kept walking till he got a house.


I want to do something, I wish I was there, I swear to God if he touches karl.

He goes up to the door then knocks, then the screen went black.

Then he was in his house he was watching him from the closet.

The footage then cut to the kitchen then a sound of glass shattering.

Then the view was just the back of karls head, he was following him, then karl turned around.

He looked terrified, he started looking around and shaking probably trying to see if he could run.

He started sprinting to the Door, the video cut out but we could hear the noise. There was a huge clash of something then the camera came back on.

Karl was on the floor passed out slightly bleeding from his head.

Then the video completely cut out to just the guy talking again.

"So now you've seen what happened ill give you a hint I guess its not really but maybe you could find something out. Also if you call the police I'll kill karl."

The video comes back on to see Karl sitting in a chair in a dark room only light on him.

"Where am i?" Karl said as he opened his eyes

"Hello?" He said looking around trying to get out of the chair but failing

The camera cuts to karl bleeding from his arms, barely moving, his eyes open. 

"H-e....l...p" Karl says and the recording ends

I feel sick, when I saw karl like my gut couldn't take it, I feel like im going to throw up-

I drop to the floor, throwing up.
Dream came over to me rubbing my back as I threw up.

I could hear people crying, and talking to themselves

" I cant take this, why? why Did they do this to him." Niki said sounding like she was trembling

I could hear quackity crying as bad comforts him but barely sounding ok himself.

I looked up still feeling sick, I see George crying as dream holds him.
I look over to punz who looks petrified.

I felt like shit I could barely breathe, I dont know what to do, karls in danger and im just sitting here crying like a baby.

I get up walking to the kitchen to clean up the mess I made then I feel myself get dizzy and lose balance. I felt like I was falling, then I couldn't see or hear anything.

(Alexs pov)

"SAPNAP!" I yell seeing him fall to the ground......

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