Possessive, Obsessive-Part 2

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Hey, actually i didn't want to post the next one today but i tommorrow i won't have time and so many people asked for this so I am back with the second part of the story . I'm really thankful for those whose just read even though they didn't comment or vote😥. Still I did not imagine that my book would get 1k readers in just one day. Now I am sure with your support I will write more. Yeah I have a suggestion which I didn't write yet but once I've finished with this one I will write it, so don't think I just ignored it. In addition, do give suggestions. I talk a lot I know but bear me😅

Let us start...

Riddhima told him the number while he dialed it.

Vihaan/Vansh: Hello

Someone: Hello, Neil speaking who is it.

Vihaan was shocked to know that she gave her a number of a boy. While she was smirking.

Vihaan/Vansh (POV): oh god, where did you put me if I knew that my wife is this naughty then I would not have said dare.

Vihaan was scared but his man ego did not let him accept defeat

Neil: oh, Bhai, if you did not want to talk why did you call

Vihaan/Vansh: no it is nothing like that; actually, I wanted to tell you something

Neil: say it

Vihaan/Vansh: Actually, I... love you

Neil: what are you crazy, from your voice I can guess you are man, so it mean you are...

Vihaan/Vansh: Haa, I am gay that is why I fell for you

While this conversation was going on, riddhima was just laughing, but in a way that Neil does not listen to her voice

Neil: listen to me very carefully, I do not like such games and I am not a gay like you.

Vihaan/Vansh: but please I really love you, without you I will die

Neil: Oh, please I don't think we even know each other, so how can you love me?

Vihaan/Vansh (POV): now what to say, he is right we do not know each other

Vihaan/Vansh: eeh, I am your friend on Instagram and from your posts I feel for you

Riddhima (POV): foolish, he said what came in his mind, now he is gone.

Neil: oh really

Vihaan/Vansh: yes

Neil: are you one hundred percent sure

Vihaan/Vansh: yes, I am even two hundred percent sure.

Neil: then you....

Vihaan/Vansh: then I what. Wait it means you accept. Yaay

Neil: shut up, I never said that. I was going to say you are wrong because I do not even have any social media account.

Vihaan/Vansh (POV): now I am gone, but what sort of man is he that he does not have any social account, even VR, means me had WhatsApp

Vihaan/Vansh: what a strange man you are. We are in the 21st century and you do not even have WhatsApp. Strange

Neil: Yes, I do not have because...

Vihaan/Vansh: because of what

Neil: because I am police officer

Then Vihaan started laughing and he said

Vihaan/Vansh: from when did they say that police... (Realising what Neil just said he stopped laughing and looks at riddhima in shock who was just looking at him smiling)

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