She is fearless (3)

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Hey guys,

This part have some kind of torture things. So I ask that you should not try the same thing and of course do not take it seriously, I used it in this part so it gives more sense to my story. So don't take it to heart, it's my sincere request🙏.

Part starts with:

One year later:

Vansh and riddhima getting in a black a car.

Riddhima: vansh, we have to deal with Mr. Agnihotri, he is betraying us. Pavan told me that he is the one selling the news of our upcoming projects to our enemies.

Vansh: but riddhima, we have been doing this work since long. Why don't we leave it?

Riddhima: vansh, if you want to leave it. Then go, I will not stop you. But I will do this work until the end of my life

Vansh: but riddhima, this work is affecting our family

Riddhima: I know, but I cannot leave it. If our family is living like this, then it is because of this work. If our family is happy then it is because of this work. So sorry, I cannot leave this work. (Taking his hand into hers): vansh, we love each other, and I do not want us to argue this morning, so leave it. And let's go and deal with our enemies so that we can enjoy tonight, ok *smiles*

Vansh: ok *smiles*. But do you remember how it was difficult to convince you that I love you. Do you remember how difficult it was to make you trust me?

Riddhima: yes but you are horrible when it comes to convince someone *laughs

Vansh: riddhima

Flashback Starts: (4 months back):

Ishani (knocking on the door): Vansh bhai, can I come in

Vansh: ishani, how many times do I have to tell u that you do not have to knock?

Ishani (entering): I have to as soon, my bhabhi is coming

Vansh (not understanding what she meant): yeah I know that she is coming.... (Taking time and understanding): what do you mean by bhabhi?

Ishani: I meant riddhima. Now don't start with your usually drama that you don't love her. So I was saying that today go to propose her

Vansh (taking a file in his hand): why... why should I propose her when I do not love her?

Ishani (going in front of him): ooh really so look in my eyes and say it again

Vansh (looking into her eyes but with pain): I do not love her

Ishani: you are trying to hide your pain. You do not want to listen, okay. (Leaving): so, I am going to tell Aryan to propose her, he was telling me that he loves her a lot and that he is going to propose her. And I think she is going to say yes, as they are close those days. Bye

Vansh (shocked): what!!

Vansh (POV):

What the hell! How can Aryan propose her?

Vansh's heart: he can, as you cannot do that work

I do not know who you are but for now, shut up

Vansh's heart: shutting me will not help, stop ishani and get to know some more details

Yes, you are right

POV ends

Vansh (running behind ishani): Ishani, wait!

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