Trust is important...

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Hey, sorry for the late update


Riddhima: What's happening in VR Mansion? What is this decoration for? Something's fishy? I have to go inside and see what is happening

Vansh: Welcome guys. I got married when covid-19 restrictions were really strict so I couldn't present you my lovely wife who I love so much. But better late than never, that's why today I called you to present you my wife

Riddhima entered and was confused to what vansh was saying. When she heard that he was going to present his wife to their world, she started organizing her hair so that she could be presented.

"So guys, please welcome Mrs. Vansh Raisinghania," said vansh

Riddhima started to come but she was shocked when vansh turned to Ahana who was coming downstairs. She just couldn't believe that the vansh she trusted so much was the one doing this. Was she still being punished for coming in his life to destroy him or was it something else. She just didn't know what to say and how to react. But being the riddhima she is she never learnt to give up, especially give up something, which was hers. Now it was something but someone, it was her husband. She wouldn't give up without giving up

"Lie" she reacted while everyone turned to that voice

"Vansh, what are you saying? I'm your wife how can this Ahaana be your wife. She isn't fit to be your wife. And why is she wearing your mother's lehenga, you had said that it was my right, then how can you give my right to someone else" asked a depressed riddhima

Vansh: Ms. whoever you are, I don't know you. And I don't understand what you are saying. How can someone like you become my wife? You don't have any standard at all

By just those words, riddhima's heart broke into pieces. What the hell was he saying? He used to say that she was the most beautiful thing that had happened in his life, but now she didn't have any standard. How did he change so much? What had happened that he couldn't recognize her?

Riddhima (going near him): vansh, look at me. I'm your riddhima. What are you saying? How can you forget me?

Vansh: how can I forget someone that I don't even know?

Riddhima: please vansh don't say that

Kabir (thinking): what a movie that is being played here. Sometimes, I think that in VR Mansion, we are like always shooting movies. Sometimes, we are shooting some action movies, with bullets and whatever. Or sometimes some drama, series drama. Whatever it is, I'm enjoying this so much. But, I will surely teach a good lesson to this Ahana who betrayed me

Riddhima (goes to Angre): Angre, you always considered me like your sister then say it to everyone that all of this is a lie.

Angre: I'm sorry ma'am but I don't what you are saying

Riddhima: you all are lying. You know that this Ahana is not Vansh's wife but still you are lying. But there is one person who will not lie. (Shouting): Dadi, Dadi

Dadi: what happened? Who is calling me?

Riddhima (Going near her): it's me, Dadi. Dadi you don't know what is everyone saying. They are saying that Ahana is Vansh's wife but you know that it's not true. Please tell everyone that I'm Vansh's wife

Dadi: beta, how can I say that? I don't even know who you are. (To vansh): vansh, please check who is she

Vansh: yes Dadi, do not worry

Reporter1: Mr. Raisinghania, who is this

Vansh: even we don't know but I'm sure it's someone who escaped from the mental hospital. I will call and get her back from where she escaped. For now, this press conference is over, so see you next time

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