Obsessive Kabir, Pregnant Riddhima- Part 2

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Hello guys, I did not expect such a response for the first part. I hope u enjoyed it and I hope you will enjoy this one too. I have questions for you all as I badly need you help but I will say it in the end. So please check what I will ask in the end of this part and answer me in comments.

K (POV): Vansh now let us see how you will stop me from getting married from my riddhima. See I will do something that no one expected

In the morning,

Someone ringed the bell and Kabir was hiding to see who would came to open the door

K (POV): I just hope it is ishani who come to open it, because if it is here they will be a blast but if it is vansh, it is much better.

The belle continued to ring till Vansh came himself to pick them

V: ooh, whoever is outside? Calm down. You ringing the bell as if someone will die if we do not open it.

K (POV)*smirks: Aree Waa, Vansh came himself. Now this will be damn exciting

Vansh opened the door and found a deliver boy. Who gave him the papers of the hospital as they had given riddhima's test to confirm the news?

When vansh opened the file, he screamed Kabir's name. Which made everyone come to see what happened.

R: vansh, what happened why you are calling Kabir early in the morning? Is there a problem or you are missing him*giggles

V: please riddhima not now.

Vansh continued to call Kabir, when he did not come ishani said

Ish: bhai, why are you wasting your time. I am sure the doctor made some mistakes and he said that he would wake up. While in reality, he is dead. I just hope he dies

Dadi: ishani, can you just sometime think and speak. You words are sharper than a snake's tongue

Ish: Dadi, please. I just say the truth and if the truth hurts how can I help. I am not a doctor to help.

Dadi: if you cannot help then shut up.\

Ish: why will I shut up? God gave me a tongue, and a mouth to speak. So I will use it if you do not want to use yours then at least let me use mine

Dadi: I used to say something important, unless like you

Ish: I just do not understand why you are defending that Kabir

Dadi was going to answer her but before she could, riddhima interrupted

R: please stop the two of you. Vansh is already worried and on top of it, you are fighting like Tom and Jerry. And Dadi, I thought you would be a little sensible.

Dadi: I did nothing; this angry wildcat ishani did it.

Ishani: what, I am a what?

Dadi: you are an angry wild cat

They started to fight again while riddhima had enough and screamed

R (screaming): stop itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

She screamed with a high voice that Kabir came running.

K: riddhima are you ok. Is our baby ok?

When he said our baby everyone was just shocked and was thinking if he has gone crazy

Dad: what are you saying? Have you gone crazy?

Ishani: see the consequences of keeping rubbish in our house

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