Her attitude 2

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Hello guys,

I did not think that this story would be loved to an extent where I will get 10 messages everyday asking me to update. My phone use to beep all the time. So decided to post it a little early than what I thought.

So thank you all for your lovely comments and now I am doing perfectly fine.

For the options no one chose one, I think we all are tired of the first track, so everyone picked up option 2 or 3, and some even gave suggestions. I will work on them and try to give you a superb update.

So let us start

Episode starts:

Author (POV):

After riddhima told everything to sejal. She went to get ready so that she can meet Kabir. She finished getting ready and went to meet Kabir while sejal was in deep thought.

Sejal (POV):

I know riddhima, you are excited to meet Kabir but I do know one thing that destiny will not keep you together for long. I knew that you do not love Kabir but you felt grateful after all the care he showed you which you never got and you thought it was love. But in reality now, you have started to love vansh but do not want to accept as you think that you will be betraying Kabir. But destiny will sure do it's part

Author (POV):

Riddhima was waiting for Kabir. She knew that Kabir would accept her proposal; she had even already made her plans. But she herself forgot what she told sejal. That "Life is full of unexpected twists". Even in her life, there was a twist, which was on the way, and she was just clueless about it. After sometime, Kabir came.

Kabir: riddhima. I want to tell you something.

Riddhima: I know what you want to say but still say it.

Kabir: Actually, riddhima, I love you and you know that but we cannot get married now

Riddhima: but why?

Kabir (cupping her face): I am not a PT teacher but a secret agent and I have one goal in life. And that has to arrest Vansh Raisinghania, the international criminal. He pretends to be innocent but he is not that at all. Even today, he had a business beach party, and in there he clacked a deal with a Chinese. We will get married once I catch him. But yeah, we can get married early if you want but after catching him, and there you can help me.

Riddhima (POV):

Why is he lying? I know vansh sir and me we left the party at the same time. And while he was in the party, he was just sitting sometimes staring at me or sometimes looking in his phone and this foolish bas*a** is lying. I am sure; if I have not meet him then I would have surely believed his words. But not so easy Kabir. Now you will see how I will destroy your plans. You think you will use me. So, ok. I will refuse your deal because I cannot hurt vansh. Maybe sejal was right. I never loved you. But now I feel as if I love vansh. I do not know if it is love or a simple crush. But I do know that I will not let you hurt him. I will stand like a shield in front of him. I know what you want to ask me but I will refuse it smartly and then protect my vansh from you.

Riddhima: yes, Kabir tell me

Kabir: can you enter Vansh's world. I know it is dangerous but you can do it for me. Can you be so close to him more he is close to his shadow so that he can tell you himself all his secrets?

Riddhima (POV):

Laughing inside. Oh Kabir, you are so foolish. You think I will accept it because I love you. Yaa maybe I would have accepted it, if I have not meet vansh. But now that I meet him, I will not even accept it. I know he has seems to be mean and arrogant but I do not why, I feel he is not like he show. I feel that inside he is really weak. But that does not mean that I will not protect him from your evil eyes.

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