I think it's riddhima...

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Hey guys,

The most beautiful thing in life is having a friend who loves and cares about you. I want you all to have such a friend. Happy Friendship day to all of you

Story starts:

A reporter on T.V:

This morning a girl named Anjali Trivedi was found dead in her building. It's believed she was murdered but there is no clue about the killer. The Police told our sources that the killer wrote on the body that "never stare on something that's not yours". Stay tuned to find out more

Boy: Vansh bro, this is the girl who was with you in the club yesterday

Vansh: yes Angre, it's so strange that we were together till 4 in the morning and now she is found deade

Angre: but bro, this is not the first time. Every girl who is with you in the club ends up dead.

Vansh: yeah right

Angre (laughs): it's as if someone who loves you is stalking you  and then kills every girl that was with you.

Vansh (smiles): Angre, there is no one who is obsessed with me

Angre: bro, you are so handsome so we never know

Vansh: you will never change

Girl: hi vansh

Vansh: hi riddhima

Riddhima: what were you watching?

Vansh: you remember the girl we were within the club

Riddhima: yes, why

Vansh: she was found dead this morning

Riddhima (shocked): what!!

Vansh: not only that but they said that the killer wrote on her body that "never stare on something that's not yours".

Riddhima: that's quite shocking but anyways she is dead, we can't do anything.

Vansh: yeah right.

Riddhima: I wanted to say that why don't we go to watch a move been long

Angre: yeah yeah, I was thinking the same

Riddhima (hi-fiving Angre): We are always on the same page. So vansh let's go

Vansh: okay.


Riddhima (taking popcorns): vansh do you want some or will you take something else

Vansh: whatever you take, I will go with that

Riddhima: ok, now let's go.

They were about to enter the cinema when a girl came and hugged vansh. Riddhima clenched her fist, if it was possible she would have killed her right now but that wouldn't be good for her image in front of vansh.

Riddhima (polite but in a possessive voice): ma'am, if you are finished hugging my fiancé can you move

Girl: who the hell are you?

Riddhima (smiles): I guess you have hearing problem, I told you that he is my fiancé

Girl (shocked): vansh baby, is that true

Vansh: I'm afraid that yes

Girl (Sad): but why didn't you tell me

Riddhima (crossing her arms over her chest): I don't think that it was necessary, as you were just a friend

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