Possessive, Obsessive-Part 3(last part)

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Hello guys, as promised here is the episode thank you for your support, and today I will not talk a lot I will directly start😅.

Let us start.

The episode start...

Vihaan/Vansh: I knew it

Riddhima: what did you know? (She said confused while he smirked thinking of his plan)

Vihaan/Vansh: that you are a coward

Riddhima: what the hell! Are you crazy?

Vihaan/Vansh: no, I am normal

Riddhima: then how can you say I am a coward

Vihaan/Vansh: you are one because you didn't chose a dare as you thought I will take revenge

Riddhima (POV): oh god! Now what to do, I am not a coward but there is a lot of disadvantage for me if I take up his dare. But I am Vansh Raisinghania's wife, so there is no need to get scared of a small dare. But now I have another question in my mind, how those he know that word is my weakness.

Vihaan/Vansh: dollar biwi I did not know, I just used it, as no one would like to be called a coward (he said as if he was listening to what she was thinking)

Riddhima was so shocked to how he understood what she was thinking

Riddhima: how did u know what I was thinking?

Vihaan/Vansh: I do not know, maybe because I started to know you (wink)

Riddhima: oh shut up, okay and can't you stop your flirting for a moment

Vihaan/Vansh: I cannot, as I have such a beautiful person in front of me

Riddhima (POV): strange, I do not why but I am not convinced with what he said

Vihaan/Vansh (POV): sweetheart, I know you have a lot of question to how I know that coward is the word u hate the most (he smirked while thinking of what happened in the past)

*flashback starts:

Vansh: riddhima, please give me a kiss Na

Riddhima: no, absolutely not, u will not get one, today (guys here vansh and riddhima fell for each other after their marriage but didn't confess it and riddhima used to give morning kisses to vansh)

Vansh: please Na,

Riddhima: no (she said while leaving the room)

But Vansh screamed which made her come back to the room having an angry look)

Vansh: you are a coward, riddhima (he said loudly so that she can hear it)

Riddhima (angry look): what did you just say?

Vansh: you are a coward, I said

Riddhima: I am not a coward, understood

Vansh: ok, for me to accept it you have to give me a kiss

Riddhima first was refusing but she knew that he won't stop calling that so she decide to just do it

Riddhima: ok I will give it, happy

Vansh: very happy, do it (he said excited like a baby)

Riddhima gave him the kiss and that day he understood that if he ever wanted to make her agree to something, he would use that word.

*flashback ends.

Riddhima: ok, then it' dare

Vihaan/Vansh: superb, now you dare will be the easiest now am I right or am I right?

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