Her attitude 4 (last part)

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Hey guys! How you are doing? I'm really sorry this part took time before being posted.

So guys before we start the episode, know that I don't anything about Kashmir, I heard it's nice place so putted in the story. As I don't know anything about the place, I asked my bestie as usually, Google. So if something mentioned here is not right, don't mind.

Episode start:

Author (POV):

When they arrived at Kashmir, They stayed in one of the most popular hotels of Kashmir, "RK Sarovar Portico Srinagar- A saravor hotel". As they were tired, everyone went to their bed to sleep and decided to wake up at 8:00 PM to spend some time together. The person, who was following them from Mumbai, didn't leave them for a second.

Unknown: what did you think that I wouldn't get to know what you were doing? Just wait, and watch what I do.

At 8:00 PM:

They were sitting outside, feeling the cool breeze, laughing and chitchatting.

Ishani: so what do we do? We have tonight, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aryan: for today, let us watch a Movie. Tomorrow and for the other day, we shall see.

Siya: which one

Aryan: Darr.

Siya (excited): you mean the one with a love triangle or let's say an obsessive lover.

Aryan: yep

Ishani: siya you know the movie

Siya: yeah it's really fantastic

Sejal: who are the leads?

Siya: Sunny Deol, Juhi Chawla and SRK

Sejal (excited): oh wow, in which year was it released? What's the plot? Who is the villain?

Riddhima: aree, sejal if you shut up then she will answer.

Siya: If I tell you, the plot and the villain then the movie won't be interesting. It was released in 1993.

Sejal: ooh quite interesting. So who will watch?

Ishani: of course Aryan, siya, sejal, Angre and me. Riddhima I do not know for bhai, he won't watch

Riddhima: yeah I will not watch I'm going to watch the mountains. Why will vansh sir not watch it?

Vansh: riddhima, I told you to call me vansh only

Ishani: aree, bhai what happened to you. When a girl used to call your vansh. You used to say that she should call you vansh sir, but now with riddhima, you changed

Vansh: oh ishani, shut up okay. I told you Angre gives you wrong ideas

Angre: boss, why blame me for every nonsense she says

Vansh (sarcastically): who else, to be blame. You always with her and tell her everything like a...

Angre: I know, I know. No need to say it again.

Ishani: it is not Angre, bhai. And riddhima, bhai will not watch the film because he does not like it. So maybe he is going to work

Riddhima: ooh, ok. You guys watch the movie; I will go to watch the mountains.

Riddhima (POV): I know, vansh you will come and this night will be the memorable one for us. I have already prepared for everything. Tonight I will even tell you about Kabir. I know how jealous you were when you saw that ring on my finger. I can't wait for you to confess, but I will confess on my own tonight.

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