Possessive Vansh

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Hey guys,

I am back to my favorite work, "writing". This os is going to be about a possessive vansh. I tried to do something different as I already wrote about a possessive vansh.


It was a beautiful morning, with birds chirping. In a beautiful mansion, inside a room, there were one boy and a girl sleeping hugging each other. Suddenly the alarm rang, breaking their beautiful sleep.

The girl woke up and went to the bathroom while the boy was still asleep. After some time, the girl came out of the bathroom; she was wearing a beautiful red saree with flowers drawn on the saree.

Girl (thinking): Oh God, vansh is still asleep. If I do not wake him up, he will sleep all day

Girl (sitting on the bed and shaking vansh): vansh, wake up. You have a meeting remember

Vansh (still closing his eyes): riddhima please let me sleep na, just for five minutes

Riddhima: you always ask for five minutes but then take 30 minutes to wake up. Imagine what will happen when we have a child and he throws the same tantrums as yours in the morning.

Vansh (waking up): Of course, he will throw the same tantrums, after all, he will be my son (he said while feeling proud)

Riddhima: can anyone win against you when it comes to arguing

Vansh (thinks for a moment and then shakes his head in negative): nooo

Riddhima stood up to go to the dressing table but vansh caught her hand and pulled her towards him

Vansh (smiling): why are you in hurry (tucking her hair behind her ears): let us plan the child who will have the same characters as me

Riddhima (pushes him away): shameless boy, let me go. I have a presentation to prepare

Vansh (becomes serious and coming out of the bed): riddhima, how much time do I have to tell you that you should stop working

Riddhima: and how many times do I have to tell you that I can't and you should stop feeling possessive for me

Vansh: riddhima, do not argue. Remember that is going to be the last day that you are going to work

Riddhima: and you remember that I will stop working only when I am dead

Vansh (putting his finger on riddhima's lips): riddhima do not talk about dying please. (Cupping her face): sweetheart, please try to understand that it is not that I am possessive for you. It's just I'm scared that if you continue to go to work like that one of my enemy may harm you as you are my weakness even my strength. Besides, I do not want to lose that person who always encourages me to go ahead when I feel like abandoning.

Riddhima (taking his hand): vansh, why do you worry so much. You are there to protect me. Moreover, don't worry I have no intention to die without taking you along (smiles)

Vansh: Do not joke riddhima it is not the right time. Do not say that I am there to protect you. No, I am not there. You work in your company and I work in mine. Then how can I protect you?

Riddhima: but...

Riddhima was about to answer him but someone knocked on the door.

Riddhima: let me go and see who it is. We will continue this conversation tonight

Vansh: ok

Riddhima went to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw a woman who was standing there with a puja tray (prayer plate)

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