She is fearless (1)

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Hey guys,

Now you know that I like to do different things. So this story is set is in San Salvador, capital city of El Salvador). If you do not like it then tell me.

The story starts with a woman in black. She was going toward a man who was tied on a chair. That man was covered with blood all over his body. The woman took her gun and started to caress that man's face with that gun.

Woman: Kabir, Kabir. Didn't someone tell you that Riddhima Singhania does not like betrayals? What did you think that you will go to the Police Station and I will not find out? Tsss, we have been working together since years but you could not understand me. San Salvador is my city, nothing happens here without my knowledge and you thought you would go and do whatever you like.

Kabir: you are so bad, I used to think that you are a simple business tycoon but no, you are a mafia. Not even a simple one, but the Queen of Mafia world. I just cannot believe that you are my best friend.

Riddhima: who the hell cares what you believe or not. Me, I just know one thing that I did all this for my small brother Harshad. Dad cheated mom and when mom found out about it she shout him and then herself. What should I have done? You know very well that when they died we were so young; I was just twelve years and my brother just five years. What do you think that just doing business would have helped us? No, when our parents died they left a loan of 500 crores. Where would I have found that sum of money? They told me that if I do not find it then they would sell my brother. Should I have let them sell my brother, my Harshad, no I would die but would not let that happen? Kabir, you know that I know you since childhood, if you would have done another mistake I would have forgiven you. But you tried to betrayal me. And that is what you deserve. You will stay tied here, until you die.

Kabir: I am telling you, God will punish you.

Riddhima: God, God, God. Don't you get tired of calling that person, who does not even exists? If he was there, my mom and dad would not have left us. If he was there, my brother and I would not have suffered. If he was there, now I would not be a mafia, but a doctor. If he was there, then you would not have tried to betrayal me. Normally, you would have stayed here until you die but after saying that word you will die today itself. In some time, I will kill you before the whole Mafia world. This will be a big lesson to everyone that they should not try to betrayal Riddhima Singhania.

After saying that riddhima stepped out of the room. She directly called someone.

On the phone:

Riddhima: Hello, Siya. I want you to prepare my meeting with Mr. Mehta. Prepare everything, even the room, where i will get ready.

Siya: yes ma'am. Should I even prepare your weapons?

Riddhima: yeah, even prepare my special clothes that I wear when I go to meet people. And one more thing, tell Kavan to prepare the special room and invite all the people from the Mafia world

Siya: ok. Should we call the King of the Mafia World?

Riddhima: yeah, I have been hearing of him since I entered this world but never saw him. So I would like to meet him today if it is possible. Siya, be careful.

Riddhima went to her Black Audi A6. 


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