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Well, I've had an interesting few hours today.

It was brought to my attention, literally a few hours ago, that there is a a Jenlisa version of 'Never Have I Ever' on Twitter posted by @slytherjen in August 2020. I checked out the post and realized that my version of the story is literally the same, except that mine was posted in November 2020.

I know how it looks, but I'll stop you right there. I did not copy her work. But with that being said, I guess this is the part I admit that I did have to ask a friend for questions to ask in the story. From what I gathered, I'm guessing that my friend lifted the questions directly from the original Jenlisa version by @slytherjen. At the time, I didn't bother to check, and to be completely honest, had this not been brought to my attention, I wouldn't have bothered to ask either. I don't read fics on Twitter so honestly, I wouldn't even know the questions to be asking at all.

Anyway. @slytherjen and I have spoken and we have come to terms about this. Out of respect to the original author and curator of this idea, my version of Never Have I Ever will be credited back to her for inspiration. I believe it is only fair considering how careless I was with the story and how if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't want anyone to be blatantly copying my work either without proper credits.

Anyway, that's all from me. Thanks to the person who reached out to tell me about this and to @slytherjen for talking it out with me instead of lashing out even if she has every right to.

To everyone who wants to see the original version of the story, the link is here: The format is different but the story is essentially the same, and for that, I truly apologize. I absolutely had no idea and had I known, I wouldn't have continued with the story at all.

With all this being said, I hope that your view of me and my stories don't change. This was a big blunder on my part that I will feel eternally guilty over, but at the end of the day, I write simply because I want to, not because I want to take someone's work and claim it as mine. That is honestly the last thing I ever want to do. I guess this is a wake up call to myself to be more proactive in checking whenever I ask for help from friends or when I come up with ideas, to make sure that they are truly my own and not a shit copy of someone else's.

Again, I'm sorry. There is no excuse for this and I promise to do better from now on.

never have i ever | (chaesoo)Where stories live. Discover now