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"rules first," kai pointed out before mark started the game.

"one, you must be completely honest when telling the truth. two, must do the dare. if you don't want to do either, you drink two shots of alcohol." the others nodded, a few saying okay while yeonjun, who was already drinking what soobin had given him, was slightly nervous.

he was new to this group of people, and not once has he ever sat on someone elses lap, drank alcohol like this and by the way he already feels, he can tell he's a lightweight.

"okay, uh taehyun. truth or dare?" mark asked. taehyun took a second to answer but nonetheless, answered quickly. "truth."

mark rolled his eyes, "boring." he looked around the room, then to beomgyu. "is it true that you're a top when it come to precious beomgyu?" mark wiggled his eyebrows.

taehyun snapped his eyes to beomgyu then back to mark. "honestly, it goes both ways. we're switches." mark suddenly clapped with an approving smile.

"thats my boys." mark joked.

"oh my gosh, okay my turn." taehyun looked at the people playing the game.

his eyes landed on kai, "truth or dare?" kai was quick. "dare."

"i dare you and one other, your choice, to strip for three rounds, every piece of clothing you decide to keep on is how many shots you must take." kai nodded, looking around the room, seeing some people talking around his dorm.

he looked around the group he was with and his eyes landed on yeonjun. "yeonjun."

at this point, yeonjun had already finished his drink and was tipsy. though he was still in his right mind, but also he had not listened to what the last dare was.

soobins free hand went to yeonjun side and squeezed it, causing the boy to slighly flinch and look towards kai, who was standing infront of him.

"s-sorry what?" yeonjun asked.

"strip, unless you want to drink." kai grinned, taking off his black longsleeve, "uh, can i drink instead?" yeonjun asked, which kai paused his actions.

"sure, soobin count the pieces of clothing for him." soobin pulled the hoodie back, peeking inside and seeing yeonjun had a white longsleeve under, counting that as the first layer.

he counted the hoodie, the sweats, boxers, a pair of socks and a pair of shoes.

"eight pieces of clothing, plus a bracelet if you'd count that." yeonjun looked at kai who was half naked, just his shorts and socks on.

"then yeonjun takes eight shots, kai takes three." taehyun spoke, watching kai begin to take his three shots.

"woooo! kai going commando!" mark whistled.

"eight?" yeonjun questioned, filling up the shot glass.

"you know, you can take the hoodie off, shoes and socks." soobin suggested. "then it would only be three shots as well." yeonjun sighed, taking one shot.

he put the shot glass down and refilled it, eight times.

he felt the something, his body and mind becoming slightly fuzzy, but nonetheless, still in control, for now.

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