t h i r t y e i g h t

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the day yeonjun and soobin had gone to meet hyunjin, felix finally decided to talk to changbin.

it had been awhile since they've spoken, both avoiding each other for obvious reasons.

but, now felix couldn't help the look he constantly received from changbin Everytime their eyes met.

it was like changbin was slightly hurt and his eyes always looked unsettling whenever they landed on felix. changbin would always leave the group of friends he was with if felix had shown up.

and it was about time felix apologize for that day.

felix, after waking up for the day, got dressed and went out to find changbin.

luckily, he knew a few places the boy would usually hang out at or with, so it wasn't that hard to find him.

he found changbin sitting inbetween jaemin and hwiyoung directly in the center of the courtyard.

as felix was approaching the table of guys, san, who was also sitting with them, nudged changbin to give him a heads up about felix.

to changbin, he thought felix was coming to hang out with the group so he thought it was time he got up and went somewhere else.

in the midst of him saying bye to everyone and taking off, felix sighed and chased after him.

"changbin!" felix shouted, causing changbin to halt in his step. he turned around to see felix actually approaching him.

while heading towards changbin, felix noticed changbin sigh and walk very few steps towards him to meet him closer.

"can we talk?" felix asked.

"now you want to talk?" changbin crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

felix sighed in guilt, he knew he should have cleared things up sooner.

"im sorry for what i did to you, i shouldn't have snapped and i shouldn't have kissed you." changbin lowered his arms, staring at an apologetic felix.

felix stepped closer, "one of the reasons being why i shouldn't have kissed you, is because i know how you feel about me."

"i also hate that if one day we ever did kiss, that, that had to be our first kiss." changbin squinted his eyes.

"what?" changbin asked in a confused way.


"if one day?" changbin questioned.

"you know, if one day you somehow change my mind about you? i don't know, it was just another reason why i felt terrible for what i did." felix admitted.

"so your saying there could be hope between us?" changbin asked with a slight smile.

felix rose an eyebrow, "changbin, arent you mad at me? do you not care that im apologizing for upsetting you and taking advantage? or just I don't know, blowing up at you?"

changbin just shook his head with a small grin, "i was never mad, more confused as to why you acted in a way you've never acted before."

"you weren't mad? then how come everytime I joined you and the others, you took off?"

"out of respect, i didn't think you'd want me there considering you seemed pretty upset with me. i like you better when your not blowing up at me."

this only made felix feel worse, "i was only upset that night. truthfully, you always leaving made me feel worse about the situation."

changbin laughed, "felix, don't worry about what happened. i won't take it personally." he smiled, "but i do want to know what or who made you like that."

felix stood there debating on telling changbin the truth. wondering if the truth would hurt him, phase him in any way.

"hm?" changbin waited.

"it was because. ." he trailed off. "um. ."

changbin laughed, "i already know."

felix squinted his eyes in confusion. "what?"

"im friends with san, he told me that same night why you were so upset." changbin sighed, "at first, I was a bit hurt to hear you like yeonjun, but i was in no place to be mad at you."

"you can't help how you feel."

felix stared at changbin with an very admiring look. he absolutely appreciated the way changbin took all of this and was happy to know changbin wasn't upset with him.

"but, the main reason i wasn't upset with you.. was because i know exactly how you feel."

felix questioned him with his eyes. "i obviously like you, but you like soobin and soobin likes yeonjun."

"we're both the second lead in our love lives."

felix never thought of it like that and honestly, now he feels worse. knowing the way he feels about soobin and how it also feels knowing soobin is head over hills for someone else, is also how changbin felt about him.

they shared similar pain.

"im sorry." felix apologized.

"honestly, don't worry about it. ive known how you've felt about me for awhile now and chose to still chase you. it's my fault i feel this way for not giving up sooner."

"but, i promise that even though im going to try and move on, maybe take some time apart from you, im not going anywhere. your still one of my best friends." changbin warmly grinned.

felix just listened and for once, as he watched changbin nod and turn around to walk away, he wished he liked changbin.


this is a small update, I promise to have a longer update soon!

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this is a small update, I promise to have a longer update soon!

if y'all want, since life pretty much sucks right now, maybe share some happy memories or thoughts or compliments or encouragement or embarrassing funny moments with each other in the comments? who knows, maybe your comment can be the reason for someone to smile/laugh or feel warmth or not alone.
it sure will be for me! ❤️

stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy!

pls don't forget to vote ❤️

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