"Who'se Ink?"

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Error blinked a few times.

Four humans were staring at him in shock. No, wait. Five humans were staring at him, one was just- Unnaturally short.

"W-Wh^T tH3-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Error was shortly cut off from a loud screech from one of the humans who appeared to be now hiding behind another human.

Error was quite surprised he didn't crash from everything around him, probably the main reason is that he'd had one of the worst crashed yet. It would normally take him two minutes at most to reboot fully, it took Error around half an hour.

"WHOA! YOUR ALIVE! THAT'S SO COOL!" Shouted the child. "A living SKELETON?! Wh- WHAT. Since when- WhAt In ThE wOrL- THERE HAS TO BE A LOGICAL ANSWER- Yes, no- NO." The lead scientist was shouting out random thoughts, in the end she was breathing heavily from everything. 

"U-UhHh . . ." Error looked uncomfortable in the situation. He'd forgotten the main survival instincts that he had learnt over the many eons of his existence, well, ever since he became like this. Error was somehow still calm, even though uncomfortability was now taking over his body.

Error blinked a couple more times before realizing his situation, remembering his survival instincts, and bolting off the bed, running to the nearest door in sight. Unlucky for him, though not knowing it yet, the hallway was a dead end that he was just about to approach.

Thinking he was free, Error looked back, he wasn't free. He also wasn't looking where he was going. He gave the wall a 'high five' with his body. "Oo0oWwWwwWWWwWw . . ."  "ThAt h3ck|ng hUrt!" Error half-whispered half-shouted, grabbing one of his wrists in pain, rubbing it in an attempt to lessen the pain. "WAIT UP!" The closest human behind him shouted. If it could happen, a light bulb would've lit up above the god's head, he summoned a dragon skull like thing. Yet that didn't happen. Error was just standing there at the end of the corridor, trying to figure out why his magic didn't work . . . Properly that is. He tried summoning bones, they ended up being tiny and stupid . He tried using his soul grabbing magic on himself, his soul only faintly went a tinge of blue. He tried using his favorite weapon, his strings, the actual strings were thin and fragile.

"^RGHHhHhH!" Error let out a growl of frustration. still trying to use his magic. He tried teleporting, opening portals,  opening files of code, summoning plain items like Chocolate stolen from Underfell, even trying to open up a one-way-portal-television that he uses to watch Undernovela. Nothing. NOTHING worked. Well . . . Not exactly worked to their normal standards, portals were way to small, he couldn't get even a small piece of the 'worlds' code' as he thought, though that was wrong on a few points. He was getting worried now. A lone god in a different multiverse.

Error was a long way from home.

(("HAHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA END IT THER- " "Oh please shut up." "Right, sorry"))

The humans finally caught up to him, only to be greeted with a slightly scared looking, smaller than anticipated, magical skeleton. Really, Error only went up to around chin height. "Hey! Mr! Please don't run off!" A small human calmly said, worried that he was terrified of her and the others. Error thought this must've been a set-up, a trap. "WhAt d0 y0U w^nt, hUh?" Asked Error "W-Wha?" was all he got as reply. Error sighed "Y0u kn0w wHAt. Ju$t h^nD m3 0v3r T0 Ink a\lr3adY. L3t$ g3t Th|$ 0v3r wIth." Error pinched the bridge of his 'nose', waiting for the humans to teleport him to Ink who was waiting to kick his but. That never happend. Things were still a bit strange.

"Who'se Ink?" Maple snapped Error out of his thoughts. "Y0u th|nk th^t'l\ w0rk? PfFT- 'Who'se Ink?', H^ha. StUp|d." Error mocked. "I know you think we're joking, sir, but we don't know this 'Ink' person." Maple continued after him. "W^it. Y0u s3ri0usly dOn't kn0w who Ink |s? D0esn't 'God Of Creation' rinG a b3ll?" Error replied, cringing at the fact that he was becoming more calm, the glitching in his voice dropping drastically. He stood silently. The humans were giving him confused looks that seemed pretty legit to Error. They were. "I'm sorry, but from what I remember, our 'God Of Creation' is not well uh, real? Well, in scientific terms. To put it as nice as possible. Nor do they have a name called Ink." The lead scientist said. "Kelli wait-" One of the female humans quickly said, but she was too late, Kelli, the child, had made their way over to Error, gazing up at him with curiosity.

"U-uh." Error gulped, sure, he knew what it was like to look after kids, he looked after the Chara's, and Nightmare's gang, along with a kid one time that was thrown on him to look after for a week. But this was different. Not only was the kid a human kid, but a kid that wasn't like the Chara's, one much younger. He wasn't good in that field.

The child continued to stare at him with brilliant blue eyes, a big childish smile covering her face. "Hi! I'm Kelli! What's your name Mr?" The kid happily said "UhM, |'m Err0R." The god replied, accepting the fact that this was not a trap, though his voice started glitching more. He sighed. He knew what the kid wanted. Error would tend to avoid touching any living thing, other than cats, he loved cats. Nor did he like showing his more softer side to anyone. But he'd do it if he had to, this was one of those times. The kid noticed that, putting their arms out as if they were going to get hugged by someone, instead, Error wrapped his arms around them and lifted them up to his shoulder height. "Th3re. H^pPY?" The kid giggled happily. He sighed again, not being able to stay mad at such a precious thing. A small smile appeared on his face, though only really visible to the kid.

None of the older humans expected that to happen, a kid walking casually up to a supernatural being, looking at them, and then the other pretty much reading their mind, picking them up, and totally being fine with it. 'The guy must have some experience with kids' Maple thought.

"Well, Error, if I heard you correct, I'm Jessie, this is Maple" The lead scientist calmly said, gesturing to herself and Maple. "I'm David, this is my wife Lilly" The surprisingly tall man said, gently grabbing the hand of his wife. Error slowly made his way over to them, still slightly cautious. The child slung her hands around Error's neck, like a hug.

"Would you mind coming back to the room we were in before again,  just to do some final check-ups on you." 'Wow, they're going to experiment on me, how fun.' Error thought "You don't have to though, if you don't feel comfortable to." Jessie continued after a short pause. "Can I n0t? I'm nOt u$3d to ev3ryth|ng y3t. Th|s has n0t ex^ct\y hApp3ned bEF0re- Ev3ryone being all h^ppy and f|ne ar0und m3, norm^l\y p3op\e w0ULd be e|th3r terRif|3d, w^nt|nG t0 kI\l m3, re^lly anGry, 0r a\l thr3e." The humans were a bit taken back from what Error had said. "Why would we be terrified? Sorry if it's a touchy subject." Lilly asked, getting a bit more anxious about her kid in Error's arms "W3ll, It'$ wh^t haPpens wh3n y0u h^ve a j0b n0bOdy l|ke$. |'d r^ther n0t say mUch m0r3." Error quietly said, not enjoying the way the conversation was going. As if reading his non-existent mind, Maple decided to change the subject "Can I maybe just do one thing though, I promise it will be quick." "D0es |t inv0lv3 sh^rp neEdl3s?" Error replied sarcastically, earning a small laugh from Kelli, somehow she understood the somewhat 'joke'.

Error put Kelli down gently, letting her waddle back to her parents before entering the room again. "Can I just check to see if you have a heart beat? I know it sounds stupid seeing as your a skeleton, but I'm curious!" Maple said quickly. "3h, suRe?" Error quietly moved over to the bed and sat down. Error was ignoring the fact that he somehow trusted humans of all people so quickly, it wasn't normal for him. Maple was just about to move out of the way for her boss when Error thought the only natural thing to do is to summon his poor, beat up soul.

"What the-" Maple was just cut off by a loud squeal, that definitely wasn't from the room, but at the same time it was? It would be hard to explain.

"0h C0M3 0NNnNnN!!"



Well dang. Error sure is finding himself at home with these humans. I don't know how he could become so chill around . . . Enemies. Well, you learn something new everyday!

Heheh! This chapter is actually got loads of my head canons stuck in there-

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, next coming soon!


"You idiot." "No u." "DUDE-" "Oh shut it please. When can I EVER get any peace and quiet with you children!" "I'm not a kid, YOU TWO ARE THE CHILDREN!" "Excuse me-!" "DUDES-" "I am not a kid!" "DUDES!" "What?" "Huh?" "Wh-" "SOMEONE WENT ROUGE." "Oh DANGIT!"


Who do you think they are? You'll find out later~

Whoa I just noticed that this is made up of a whopping 1,586 words what-

- Bean


 I may or may not have seen a tiny mistake and edited it- I can't believe I only just saw it-


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