Shocked faces are funny faces.

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"EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN!" Blue shouted, standing on a podium that was on a stage in the room, overall making him appear scary. The room immediately silenced, all eyes and eyelights turned to look at him. "I'd just like to thank Outertale!Sans copy 4 for helping me get of the Bad Guy's base." He gave a small, unnoticeable wink, towards the specific copy. People gave him pats on the back even though the Sans, in truth, had done merely nothing, well, except ask Horror if he could save a slice of cake for him to pick up later, him and Blue had just teleported back to the Star's base. You see, all Outertale!Sans copies up to twenty are aware of Error being forced, therefore Blue uses that to his advantage whenever he is 'kidnapped' by the Bad Sanses, he always hopes the council choose one of them (Which they always do). Nobody other than his brother has figured it out, therefore he had to tell Carrot about Error being forced, him taking it surprisingly well. and even planning to apologise to Error personally.

"I have got news from Ink, I got a phone call from him yesterday." He announced, immediately being bombarded with questions as to if Ink, Dream, Reaper, and Outer were okay, one question stood out from the rest "Is Error dead yet?" A Mafia!Tale Sans asked with minimal interest in their tone. "No. Error is not dead. That is one of the reasons as to why I held this meeting today." He answered. The room going wild again. "SILENCE!" He yelled, the room quieting down again to small mumbled and whispers between monsters. "Ink has given me direct instructions as to call of EVERY attack being planned to hurt Error, and, to tell you all the truth. The truth about Error, the reason why he destroys Alternate Universes, and for this, I need some help. I ask you all to NOT attack them, they are purely here to help me explain to you all Error's reasons to destroy." Blue announced, most were shocked, a few were actually happy. "Why should we call all attacks on that glitch." One Sans, most likely an Underfell!Sans or Papyrus copy, complained, Blue ignoring the comment. Their faces soon morphed into ones of fright and anger.

The one and only Bad Sanses filed into the room, standing near Blue on the stage. "WHY THEM OF ALL SKELETONS?!" An Underfell!Sans copy asked, mostly in fright. Carrot, who was sitting at the council table close to the stage, gave a small dip of his skull as kind of bow towards Nightmare, the king acknowledging it, doing the same back. "They are some of the skeletons that know Error best, I thought it would only be fitting that they be the ones to help me explain the truth about Error." Blue sighed. "Do you mind if I start?" Nightmare asked "Be my guest, I don't mind." "Alright, so . . .

------ In another world ------

Error sneezed. "Wow, I didn't know skeletons could sneeze" Reaper chuckled. "Ye^h, at l3ast I d0n't sne3ze l|ke a b^by, un\ike 0ne $pecif|c ske\et0n I know!" Error gave Reaper a death-glare "Wow, I feel very targeted." Reaper laughed. Someone must be talking bad about me, huh . . . No wonder I sneezed. Error thought.

He then got a phone call, from none other than Blue.

He picked up his phone, which was buzzing away on the coffee table, him and Reaper then proceeded to hear laughing. 

"BAHAHAHAHA- OH MY STARS ERROR LOOK! LOOK AT THEIR FACES BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA- OH STARS-" Blue was seen laughing his skull off. The picture suddenly moved to show the faces of many stunned monsters. Reaper started to laugh, snapping some of the monsters out of their dazed state, most looking at the phone screen to see not only the Destroyer of AUs, but also the God of Death, NEXT TO EACHOTHER, practically cuddling even. Error just looked awkward, Reaper on the other hand was laughing as much as Blue. "HAHAHAH, PRICELESS!" Reaper continued to laugh. Nobody (other than Error) had seen Reaper laugh that much.

Ink stomped down the stairs after hearing a commotion. "Pals, what's going on down here? Did Cbeebies make a twenty-four-seven constant Octonauts channel? OH HEY I KNOW THAT LAUGH! You're on call with Blue? Let me seeeee!" He bounded over in excitement. "Uhhhh, why is it just an image of the meeting room with monsters looking scared out of their mind?" He asked. "Oh! Haha-hey Ink! Look at them, I just told them everything and they're scared for life!" Blue said, turning the screen back to face him. "Everyone's scared outta' dere lives 'cept Carrot and me, brah, since I can't all up'n feel dem un-rad emotions cuz I'm a parasite, y'dig?" Fresh spoke out from amongst the crowd, those who weren't aware of him being a parasite becoming even more petrified.

"BAHAHAHAHA! THEY'RE EVEN MORE TERRIFIED, I OWE YOU ONE FRESH!" Blue continued to laugh his skull off again. "Uh, I dunno' why you up'n'all  thankin' me for makin' dem scared, brah, but, yah' welcome?" Fresh replied. 

There were a couple laughs heard coming from Nightmare's gang, mostly from Dust. "Anyways, hi Ink! Have you got any words to tell the council?" Blue asked, moving the phone so the council could see. "Well, I guess there is one thing. We shouldn't have judged Error so quickly, we were dumb and blind to the truth, and I know you all agree with me on that." Ink sighed, most people who were still in shock came out of it once they heard Ink. "Hey, Ink, you fixed them." Blue snickered, Ink laughed a bit in response.

"Anyway, I'm going to wrap up the meeting, bye guys!" Blue waved at the phone screen, then ended the call.

"Well, that was interesting, and funny might I say. I'll be back upstairs if you need me, bye!" Ink thundered back up the stairs. Reaper started to snuggle Error. Error just grumbled but accepted his fate eventually.

------ Council meeting room ------

"Alright so, that's all for this meeting, you may all go back to your AUs, or stay here for a while and chat amongst yourself, do as you wish." Blue stepped off the podium, monsters already leaving. "Alright, to the mansion?" Blue asked Nightmare "To the mansion" he confirmed.

The group walked through a portal back to Nightmare's mansion, appearing in the main living room, Blue immediately flopped on a sofa, obviously done being the centre of attention, yet here he was, about to get more attention. "I'm going for a nap, wake me if something happens!" Horror shouted "Me too!" Killer shouted, already walking up the stairs to the next floor. The rest of the group wandered off except Nightmare. "Do you mind if I sit?" Nightmare asked "Eh, sure."

He sat down next to Blue. There was an awkward silence until Nightmare decided to shuffle closer, and laid Blue's head in his lap, stroking his skull slightly, teal dusting his cheekbones. "You're terrible at lovey-dovey stuff, y'know that?" Blue said "Yeah, I know, no need to rub it into my skull" Nightmare sighed "Heh, sorry" Blue apologised. Nightmare stopped petting him "Sorry if I did something wrong" he mumbled "I didn't tell you to stop, did I?" Blue asked, shifting to get more comfortable. Nightmare started to pet his skull again.

"Heh, lovebirds." Dust rolled his eyes at the scene, noticing Cross who was also spying in on them. He walked over and grabbed his arm, dragging them into the kitchen before Nightmare spotted them and placed their skulls on spears and hung them up as decoration somewhere in the mansion.

------ Back in our dimension ------

"Oh r|ght, f0rgot to a$k Ink som3th|ng, I'l\ b3 back d0wn soon." Error stood up from the couch and walked up the stairs, entering the room he thought Ink must be in, finding him on the floor, doodling on a piece of paper. A picture of Dream, of course, but Error couldn't see. "Oh! Error, hiya! Need somethin' pal?" Ink cheerily asked, standing up and facing Error. "I w^s w0nder|ng h0w Broomie wa$ working?" He replied "Oh! Broomie's doing pretty well, actually, I was able to create an entire box of crayons yesterday without anything wrong! I think we'll be able to get home soon which will be good. I miss home a lot now . . . Eheh." Ink sighed. "HEY, SKELETONS! YOU'VE GOT AN APOINTMENT TOMORROW WITH MAPLE!" David shouted.


Eheheheh, sorry for the wait! Motivation has been on holiday to Mars (as per usual).

I wanted to shuffle in a tiny bit of nightberry and destructivedeath in there, Error of course being his usual tsundere self, but he's warming up to Reaper again.

There isn't much to say here, but, I'd like to thank you all so much for 8.4K views, like, whoa-

As I say time and time again, I never expected to get this far!

Thank you all for the nice comments, it really makes me happy to see that you like my stories even though they're not exactly the best, and are fairly cringy, but hey, I'm still learning.

If you want you can suggest more ships for other characters (As in a ship with Killer, or Cross, for example)

Thank you all again!

- Bean

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