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Error felt like he was falling. He opened his eyes. The space he was in was pitch black

'The VOID? No, no. He couldn't of sent me to Outertale and dumped me into the void . . . Could he? No, no. He isn't that cruel, he knows that you can't die in the VOID, you just get your atoms ripped apart and put back together again. I would've felt the pain, anyway.' The god thought.

The place started to feel warmer. 'Strange' he thought. Strange indeed it was. It started to get much colder. Around 15 or so degrees.

The black suddenly ended and was replaced with blue. Pale blue to be precise. White fluffy things in the area above dancing around in the sky.

Error took a look around his surroundings, he soon noticed something. He was very high up in the sky, falling at a very fast pace.

Error went blank. He then started to scream like a girl, flailing his arms around as if he could stop himself from falling. 'Wait. . . I have strings! Yeah, that should work!' Error thought before sending strings flying from his fingertips towards what he thought were solid clouds. One. He missed. Two. It wouldn't of worked anyway. Three. He was in big trouble now.

He continued to scream as he plummeted downwards.

The god, who was screaming like a girl, looked down. He could see blue. Lots of blue. And a bit of yellow somewhere in the corner of his eye socket.

The only few words that crossed his non-existent brain were 'I'M GONNA DIEEE-' and 'I STILL HAVEN'T EATEN EVERY FLAVOR OF CHOCOLATE, I CAN'T DIE RIGHT NOW!' 

Well. If you know how physics work, he surely wouldn't survive falling into the sea at the height he was at. He couldn't possible survive? Could he? Of course he could. He wasn't just going to die because of the stupid reason that he was almost at skyscraper height, plunging downwards into a sea. FATE isn't that cruel.

After half a minute of falling, yes, that long. The being crashed head first into the blue substance called water, letting out a small "Eek-!"

----I may or may not have wanted to finished the chapter here, but I wanna write more- ----

Lucky for Error, he didn't need to breathe. If he did, he'd be dust by now.

But unlucky for Error, he created quite a splash when he fell into the sea. Quite a few HUMANS had seen. Some getting on vehicles that somehow floated, speeding in the direction the splash had come from.

Another unlucky thing had happened for Error. He'd crashed badly when he saw a fish, screaming "Wh^T|N TH3 nAM3 0F A$G0R3 |S Th^T-!" while glitching harshly. He wasn't rebooting either. Error wasn't all that good in common knowledge seeing as he was never really taught anything, even with Nightmare's gang trying their best to teach him some basic things, eating was one of them.

Soon enough the HUMANS  were where the splash was. Error was actually at the sandy bottom of a small coral reef in what seemed to be fairly shallow-ish waters.

A human girl looked over the side of a boat. Catching a glimpse of black and red among the corals. "Holy tea bag . . ." She'd pieced the puzzle together, finding a black and red boned skeleton in the coral.

"Do you guys see that?! That- That creature! In the coral!" The girl had a heavy British accent. "Yeah, what even is that?" "WHOA! IS THAT AN ALIEN?!" Said two voices next to her. One sounded quite young, around six or so. "I don't know . . . Why not we get it on the deck? Should we?" Asked the human girl. "Sure, hun." A male replied calmly, though internally panicking.

The humans dropped down a hook into the water and navigated it around until it got caught in one of the legs of the being. They hauled him up onto the deck.

"WHOAAAAA! SICK! THAT THING IS AWESOME!" Shouted the child, running around Error's limp body "Ok, that thing is definitely not human." The man pointed out. "Yeah, but do you see those cracks? They are covered with them! Not to mention the clothing choice, they look like they've had to stitch it back together again with what seems to be blue string or something?" The girl replied to the other.

Error's eye sockets were shut closed. The kid poked him in the face,  giggling to herself. "Ok. We're taking this thing to I don't know, the hospital? Maybe they'll know what this thing is." The lady stated. "Alright, if you say so Lilly." The man said to the lady now known as Lilly. 

The humans brought Error ashore, loading him into the back of their car, trying not to show the being to anyone, for their own safety. They drove off to the hospital that was nearby.


Hue hue. Again, please notify me in the comments if there are any mistakes that were made in the story. It would very much help!

Well then, things took a turn! Don't worry, you guys will be seeing characters in future chapters, so don't worry if you've gotten attached to them like I have! I really love the little kiddo!

I'm actually pretty surprised at how I've gathered enough motivation for another chapter even though I only posted the first one really recently! Heh!

I really like this book so far, I hope it'll turn out nice in the end! I hope you guys are also enjoying this as much as I am!

(Edit : I saw a mistake just now- AaaAaAaAaA help)


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