Rebooting Complete.

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It had been a few hours since the humans had taken Error to the hospital. The hospital was actually also a research center for ocean life seeing as they were located right next to a beach with quite a few small coral reefs.

After seeing the skeleton, many scientists rushed him off to a totally different building, a smaller one, right next door. Error was on one of those 'moving bed like things'. He still hadn't rebooted. Error really was taking his time, waiting for the perfect moment, of course. Error wasn't in control of when he started to reboot after crashing, after all.

The scientists kind of dragged the humans after them, some hurrying off in different directions even. The scientists were dumbfound when they saw the creature. "Ok so- Uh- Alright then, we'll first check if this thing is actually real or not. Then we'll see if it shows any life if it is real. Got it?" Asked what seemed to be the leader of the group of scientists. She got a few "yes ma'am"'s in return.

A couple scientists dragged Error and the humans into a room that looked way too high-tech for them to understand how the heck it worked. To one of the scientists surprise, the skeleton was very light when they picked him up, too light, even his bones were thinner than usual ones, covered in cracks. "Ma'am, this uh, thing? Is really light." Noted the scientist carrying Error. The scientist placed Error gently on a raised bed kind of thing like what he was on before, but more comfy.

The lead scientist rushed over to the side of Error's bed, lightly tapping him on the arm. He wasn't hollow. That was a sign. "Alright, Maple, this thing is real, from what I can tell. Can you go get some equipment please?" Asked the leader. "Alright ma'am" Replied the scientist known as Maple, she hurried off quietly.

"Ok, so, where did you find them again?" Said the lead scientist. "We found them in the middle of a corral reef after seeing a huge splash there." Replied the oldest of the three humans the scientist was looking at. "Alright then . . . You guys saw a huge splash, then you found the creature there. Ok. So, this thing of course isn't human. It could be a new mutated specie of human? No, no. It looks nothing like us. But the frame though is very close, apart from the skull, and just look at the clothing, it's very human." The lead scientist thought to herself aloud.

Maple quickly returned with a thermometer and two stethoscopes. "I got em'" Said Maple, snapping the other scientist out of her thoughts"Thank you Maple for your help". Maple gave her boss the thermometer who then tried to, and successfully, opened Errors mouth, almost screaming when she saw the not one, not two, but five long blue tongues. "Well that's a first." She said with a surprised look on her face that soon turned to a scared one when a loud 'beep' noise was heard, all of the humans in the room covered their ears, the youngest squeaking in surprise. The beep would be best described as the beep you get before a special announcement that pops up on a tv or something.

The beep left as soon as it came. A different sound started up. 'Rebooting' could be heard





"WHATS GOING ON?!" "IS THAT THING A ROBOT OR SOMETHING?!" Shouted Maple, clearly shocked.





Rebooting Complete.

A not so loud 'beep' noise was heard, lasting less than a second. All the eyes turned on Error. The being shifted, his eye sockets slowly opened to reveal a few pairs of human eyes staring at him. 'Wait-! HUMAN?!' Error bolted upright and screamed "H0\y A$G0R3- Wh^T |N N0N-3X|$T3Nt C0RN3R$ 0F TH3 mU\T|V3R$E-"


Whoa whoa whoa! Error's alive! Not like I was gonna' let him die anyway. Goodness, those humans will be in for a treat, having to deal with the literal God Of Destruction, Destroyer Of Alternate Universes. This is gonna' be fun!


"Did Error really think that we'd leave him alone? Poor thing. Don't worry. We'll always be there to save you Error" Whispered a voice the God Of Destruction knew all too well.



Error Versus Humanity. - FGOD StoryWhere stories live. Discover now