Home sweet home.

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"GUYS! GUYS GUYS GUYS!" Ink came rushing over to the group of skeletons and humans. "What happened, Ink?" Dream asked, sensing whatever excitement Ink still has left. "I- I was just messing around with Broomie, seeing if I could successfully create something, a-and I created the portal back home!" Ink explained, stuttering from his excitement. The group was stunned. They all knew Ink was getting better with using his magic, since he showed a bit off at the skeleton's appointment with Maple, he was able to create and entire tree in the room without anything being visibly wrong with it.

"We get to go home?!" Outer asked in joy "It seems so! Just got to pray to the stars it sends us home, and not to another dimension, I've done it twice, I should be able to do it a third time." Ink ran back inside the house to pack up his mess of 'souvenirs from the human world' that he had bought from the supermarket, and the mess of things he'd brought. "I'm gonna go pack my stuff!" Outer rushed into the house right after Ink. "I think it's best I go as well and pack up my things" Dream walked into the house.

Reaper still hung out around Error, floating next to him, almost in a protective manner. "You're gonna' leave?" Amelia asked, slightly upset, mostly for the cause she didn't have time to take him to a single theme park. Error would've loved going to a theme park. "|t se3ms s0." Error answered "Well, it was great meeting you, Mr. God of Destruction, I would shake your hand but you have haphephobia so never mind-" Amelia said. "W3 shou\d go g3t our $tuff re^dy to g0 hom3. We'll m3et y0u hum^n$ at wh3rever Ink summ0ned the porta\" Error said before walking off back inside the house, the grim reaper trailing behind him.

Soon enough the group of humans and magical skeletons were gathered in the living room of the house, the skeletons carrying whatever they had taken with them to the multiverse they were about to leave. "Well, goodbye forever, skeletons." Lily said "It was, an experience, meeting you all. Stay safe, and good luck Error back home, dealing with a bunch of skeletons that are probably afraid of you. You're gonna' need it" Amelia said her goodbye. "Bye-bye Error!" Kelli shouted "By3-bye abn0rm^lly short human." Error waved at her before the group started to walk through the portal, praying it would take them home. "Oh! 0ne last th|ng, Amelia, you kn0w th3 puppet$ you have th^t lo0k simi\ar to m|ne. I th0ught it wou\d be co0l for you t0 h^ve an auth3ntic one. Pl3ase don't t3l\ the med|a about u$. Go0dby3!" Error reached in to a bag he was allowed to take with him that had all the bits-and-bobs he had made out of his strings over the time he had spent in the other multiverse, and took out a puppet of himself, and used his strings to pass it over to her. He walked through the portal, Reaper having snatched his hand and dragged him through, obviously wanting to get home sooner rather than later. 

To say Error felt sick was an understatement. Going through portals to other AUs gives you a slightly going-to-be-sick feeling, but going through portals to other dimensions, that's a whole other (literally) game. In all honesty, everyone but Ink was feeling as if they were going to throw up on the spot once they got to the other side of the portal.

"Well that was not pleasant . . ." Dream commented, his eyelights slightly wobbly looking. He had no idea why they didn't feel it the first time.

The group was suddenly hit with massive a wave of magic entering their souls. "What in the stars? I feel like I could create an entire multiverse!" Ink said, feeling as if his strength and magic had just doubled. "Pl3a$e d0n'T" Error replied.

A giant group of over a hundred different Sanses, Papyruses, and other monsters that might claim the role of 'Sans' in their AU, just blinked at them, before erupting into cheers. The group mostly welcomed Ink and Dream home, but a few did say "Welcome back!" to Error and the rest.

"ERROR!" Three particular Sanses said in unison as they ran over and practically jumped onto Error, successfully squishing him to the ground. Cross and Nightmare, who were standing not too far away, just snorted and laughed. "HORROR- KILLER- DUST- G3T 0FF- G33E3TtT 000OoOFFfFf-" Error tried to throw them gently off, but gave up eventually. When the four finally stood up, Reaper rested his skull on Error's shoulder "Mine." Was all he said. "Lil' protective there, huh, 'Mr. Grim Reaper'." Killer commented in a joking manner. Error just sighed.

The few that were watching the sort-of family reunion, immediately got to thinking on how in the stars could Reaper touch Error.

"Guys- No, no, please, stop welcoming us! You should be welcoming Error home, especially with all he's done for us" Ink tried to persuade them to be more welcoming to Error instead of him and Dream. Many of the Sanses stopped parading around the duo, and instead went over to apologize about everything to Error, who they had most likely forgotten was with them.

Error was slightly spooked from the amount of creatures gathering around him, luckily none of them touched him. "| th|nk w3 sh0u\d d0 th|$ a b|t s\0w3r, pl3a$e . . . Pr3fer^bly 0ne at ^ t|me" Error said, taking a step away from them.

All attention on Error was switched again.

"MARRY ME, DREAM" Ink shouted, stepping down onto one knee, holding a hoola hoop crisp like a ring.

Dream gasped, a hand going over his mouth (teeth? I dunno') "Y-YES, FOREVER YES, INK!" Dream grabbed the hoola hoop and ate it. Ink used broomie to change both of their outfits to wedding dresses. He picked up Dream and they headed off to their honeymo-


All attention on Error was switched again.

"Everyone! I say we celebrate, After, you host it! It is near Christmas, isn't it?" Ink shouted.




"H3heHehhH . . . Aren't y0u" Error hickuped "A hand$ome fell0w . . ." Error had drunk one too many spiked eggnogs. Reaper, one of the few who hadn't taken a sip of the eggnog after knowing what happened at the last Christmas party After hosted, just watched a drunk Error try to flirt with him. "I think it's about time I get you back to Nightmare's mansion . . ." Reaper sighed. "Y0uuuUuU . . . Lo0k l|k3 my boyfr|end . . . H^ahah^aAaAH . . . Ohhh! Reaper, it'$ me, Geno, I'MmMm jU$' C0O\3RRRRRrrrRrrr . . ." Error clung onto Reaper "Yeaaah, I'm taking you home . . . Why did I even allow you to attend the party after Nightmare had told me what happened last time . . . Passing out on the way up to your room . . . Now I'm going to have to deal with you, yippee" Reaper said with little enthusiasm.

"Blue, how much whiskey did you put in that eggnog?" Nightmare asked, watching the scene play out. "Uhhh, what whiskey? I put vodka this time." Blue answered, also watching the scene in amusement. "Blue, please don't do this ever again."  Nightmare sighed. "No promises, we all know Sanses hate making them, mweheheh." Blue winked at him.

Reaper teleported himself and Error to his room in Nightmare's mansion. "Go to sleep. Now." Reaper demanded, picking up Error and dropping him onto his bed. Error had already fallen asleep. Reaper sighed and left.

"-And that was what happened last night." Reaper explained. "N0 w0nd3r my sku\l i$ k|lling m3." Error laughed to himself quietly. "I'm pretty sure Ink's signed the truce slash peace treaty paper thing that Nightmare made a couple hours ago. No more creation, no more destruction. I bet it will be nice for you to have a break for what seems like eternity now . . ." Reaper gave a genuine smile. Error too was looking forward to the future.

The end. Maybe? That's for me to know and you to find out.


Well. This was a ride and a half! I'm so sorry to have to end this book, and there probably won't be a book two-

This was such an amazing story to write! It was very fun! (Sorry to rush the ending slightly, though!)

I will probably start another story soon (Maybe next week, week after, or in a month's time, I'm not sure-). I might make the SCP crossover, but I'm not sure, I'm not extremely far into the fandom, so my knowledge is limited and is putting me off unless I get to know more about SCPs. If any of you have any ideas for a book you think would be fun to write, please tell me!

I'm thinking of doing a QNA for a 10 K views special! If you'd like to see it, please tell me-

I apologise for not giving you guys a new chapter in a month, I've been busy (being lazy) with things, plus school has started up again and I have a dance show I have to perform at Christmas so I have to spend a bit of time on that, I won't try to update any slower than I already am, though!

I'll probably do a bit of editing at some point, since this book is almost completely unedited, but I do hope you guys haven't seen too many mistakes- I'm happy to take constructive criticism!

Thank you all, each and every one of you, for reading this book.

-  1599 Words.

- Yours truly, Bean.

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