Wow. Reaper. Already flirting with someone?

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A period of time had flown by pretty quickly. So far not much had happened in the multiverse where the skeletons came from, just the general. Blue was doing a good job at being the one in charge, answering whatever questions thrown at him as best as he could, as in ones about if Ink and the others were okay, and if the destroyer was not attacking them at any moment even with the 'truce' that was in place over there, and if Ink has gotten his powers back yet. Blue couldn't really answer the last one, since he hadn't had a phone call from ink recently, but he was pretty sure Ink would be slowly, but surely, gaining his powers back.

You may be wondering on how, and why, the Sanses in our world had lost the majority of their power.

(I personally have forgotten if I have already said an explanation- But anyway, this is another? Or a new version? of the explanation. Oh and, skip this part if you wish, its just an explanation, nothing all that really cool, but it does help you understand how they are getting better, magic wise.)

All monsters, big and small, rely on magic that the underground supplies for them from its coding. Some more than others. Ones that are more magic-based are, for example, Grillby, Papyrus, or someone like Napstablook. Ones like Muffet, or Undyne, they wouldn't rely on magic as much. Ghosts are the worst for relying on magic, and other creatures like the skele-bros would also rely on magic more since they a literal piles of floating bones. What keeps the skele-bros how they look, is magic, without that they would not exist, or at least they would be an actual pile of bones on the floor.

Since our main cast other than the humans, are skeletons, they all rely on that same magic, obviously.

Our world, of course, doesn't have any magic whatsoever, yes there are 'magic' tricks, but they are all tricks of the eye, illusions, that make them seem magical, and unnatural. Since there is no magic here, or no coding that could give them the access magic they need, their souls (Minus Ink, of course) go into panic mode. Their souls transfer their base magic used to create attacks and such to replenish the magic that used to keep them stable, therefore making the spare magic they have left for attacks go almost 'poof' since there is little left.

Now, how they are getting better is that their souls have left panic mode, and have figured out the situation. Their souls are now trying to equal the amount of magic used for both uses, and are trying to stabilise both sides, while still replenishing extra magic to help. Their souls are doing this at a fairly good rate. Obviously Error is going to be the first that'll be back to somewhat 'normal', then the rest. But they don't know that . . . Yet of course.

You may be now wondering what'll happen about their magic situation when they get back to their home multiverse and get hit with a giant wave of magic that used to be used to keep their forms stabilised.

They are going to be acting as if they were Fanon!Blue, aka BlueBERRY, on a sugar rush.

(Does anyone have a spare flamethrower that I can use to burn the monstrosity that is Fanon!Blue? If so, mind if I borrow it for a moment? Thank you! :D)

Instead of a sugar rush, it'll be a 'magic-rush', since they will be fuelled by a ton of more magic. This will make it harder for poor Error to escape in time before Ink goes on a 'trying to smacc Error in the face with Broomie and cover him with the dreaded red paint that we all know and love' spree.

(I have already done a somewhat explanation on how Ink is affected- From what I remember-)

Now. Ahem. Onwards with the true chapter.

Error had almost entirely stopped knitting, hidden all his chocolate from sight, including his knitting needles, phone, glasses, and wool ever since the others settled in. That surprised the humans greatly.

Kelli and Amelia had just come home from school, they were in their separate rooms getting changed into more comfy clothes. Error was sat on the couch glaring at Ink who was chatting peacefully with Dream.

Reaper waltzed over to the couch, sitting across from Error. "Hey there Mr. God of Destruction." Reaper greeted, turning Error's attention away from Ink. Error sighed "WhAt |s it th^t yo0u cou\d po$sib\y want fr0m m3." "Wellll . . . There is one thing . . ." Reaper paused, thinking up of a good way to annoy the other " . . . Your hand in marriage, handsome~" He winked. Error's skull lit up a bright yellow "Wh-wH^TTtTtt-" Error glitched harshly. "Heh- No need to get so flustered sweetheart~ You know I flirt with everyone, I thought you'd be used to my flirting by now." "N0- N3V3RrRr- 3WwWwW-wW-W-W-" Error continued to glitch pretty badly, though he didn't crash, surprisingly.

Reaper propped his feet up on the small table in front of the couch, resting his head on his hands that were behind his skull resting on the back of the couch. "Heh, you remind me of . . . Em' . . . Hehh-" Reaper felt the waterworks start to rise but he pushed them down. "Wh0?" Error asked in curiosity "I'd rather not answer that question." Reaper's eye sockets went blank. Error decided not to push the answer out of him, he did note that Reaper looked like as if he was going to cry a few seconds before, so he guessed that something happened to this mystery person. Something bad enough to upset the God of Death, which is a rare thing.

"SoooooOOoooO . . . Dream. Heard anything from Blue? I'm guessing not" The soulless being asked. "No, I have not. I do have a question though, how is your vial supply doing? I don't want you to go blank at some point. The humans would probably panic, well, all except Amelia, seeing as she kind of . . . Knows almost everything about us? She said that she knows so much from something called the Undertale Wiki? I am just trying to figure out how in the multiverse, and why in the multiverse Undertale would need a wikipedia, could you not just find a way to open the files up, and then there would be all the information you would need?" Dream asked. "Hmm. For starters, my vial supply is doing surprisingly well, actually, and second of all, I'll have to check what this 'Undertale Wiki' is." Ink answered, crossing his arms.

Ink heard the TV be switched on, glancing over to look at the screen. It was the news. He abruptly ended his and Dream's conversation by walking over to the couch, being careful to be at least three feet away from the two who were sat on the couch. He gave Error a glare, then looked at the screen. The news always interested Ink, even if it was a boring bunch of random mumbo-jumbo.

Dream just accepted the fact that Ink left him behind. It was normal for him, Ink always gets distracted by other things, Dream thinks Ink finds it hard to focus on things for more than three minutes before something else find his attention. Ink had been seen in the middle of painting something on a canvas in his room then five seconds later noticing something shiny on the floor, and then immediately having to go see it, then find out it is just a candy wrapper, and put it in a bin. Error would do the exact same, but Dream didn't know that.

Error and Ink were more alike than most thought, though they were chosen to be almost complete opposites.

Dream had noticed though that Ink had been slowly been able to use more and more magic, same with the others, which was a good sign.


Ehehehh- Sorry for taking so long . . . Its been basically a month- AaAaaaaA- Motivation was just dying for me.

I hope this wasn't too bad? I know half of it was an explanation. So uhm- Sorry for this chapter being so small. I have some fairly big plans for tomorrow, the next day, and the day after. So uhm- Yeah. Probably no new updates on anything within the next few days.

I would like to say that HOW IN THE HECK DID I GAIN 1 K VIEWS WITHIN A MONTH- WHAT- H O W *Insert the 'What. How?' meme. You know. The one where Sanctuary Guardians plays. From Earthbound-*

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH- ALSO- SO MANY OF YOU ARE COMMENTING WHA- HRGUHSKTSTH It makes me so happy to see at least one new notification pop up every day!

This was my first ever proper chapter thingy that I've written on my new laptop- The keyboard has a different layout from my last one, which makes it kinda' confusing, but I'm trying my best! If you see any mistakes, please say, I'm happy to take constructive criticism!

-Sadly, only 1520 words before this message. Sorry


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