Preparing for the trip . . .

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A week or so had passed.

There was a meeting going on in the Star Sans' base. Ink had finally made his decision on who to send to the other world with him.

The room was hushed by Blue, allowing Ink to speak. "So, the day has come to tell you all who is going to come along with me to this other multiverse." Some Sanses started to whisper among themselves, some hoping that they got chosen, some the complete opposite. "To start the list off . . . I have chosen Original!Outertale Sans, yes, I am aware that it is risky to take along an original, but I think it will be worth it. Next on the list is Reapertale Sans. I think he should come along seeing as he it the literal God Of Death, and of course because of the reason that is '*deathly face touch that could make you disintegrate unless you are immortal in a sense*' ." There was a bit of snickering to be heard from a few Sans', though Classic, the original, just shivered at the memory. Dang that Christmas party was the worst.

"And last but not least joining us will be . . . Dream! I think that you should come with us because you could maybe sense the negativity that Error must reek of. Probably the only reason why Nightmare keeps him around . . ." Ink continued, whispering to himself the last bit.

Dream looked at his friend, he was quite nervous, who knows what could be in this 'other world' place. Though. Ink had been trying to see if he could find out anything about that world, all that he was able to gather was that it is kind of like a surface timeline, and that there was little to no Monsters at all, which would be a problem, thanks to the amazing fact that they were living skeletons that can talk.

Outer and Reaper were also pretty nervous too, yes, the God Of Death and a guy who can float in the air because of there's no such thing as the laws of gravity in Outertale, were nervous.

After a small bit of talking about all the major things that the Sanses would need to know, Ink ended the meeting. The majority of the Sans' and Papyrus' left, some stayed to chat.

Ink wandered off to his room in the base, already starting to get things ready for going to the other world. He had a small checklist in hand, ticking off things as he went along. He had some spare vials, spare spare vials, a mini-Broomie, healing items, a fair amount of G, extra clothing, a giant trench coat with a hood as to help protect his identity from anyone human, his cell phone, a couple hidden Mars bars, and some random small art suplies for whenever he might get bored, which happens a lot.

He had stuffed most of the items into his inventory, some into a spare backpack that he quickly created out of thin air.

Dream walked into Ink's room without knocking, quickly noticing his friend already packing for the trip. He thought he would have to start thinking about packing too, they were going to leave in only a few days. He casually waltzed over to his friend, tapping the other skeleton's shoulder.

Ink looked up from his backpack and looked at Dream, a large grin on his face. Ink was quite exited because, you know, he would be able to explore a new multiverse, find out if the multiverse has their own creator . . . and or destroyer, see what it's inhabitants are like, and so on . . .

Dream smiled back, he knew his friend was exited, though he couldn't say the same for himself. Reaper was yet to be told of the news, and Outer was at the meeting, for once. He stopped coming to them a little while ago, most suspect that he was always too busy, while others think he just got bored of them. The skeleton sighed, then told his friend that he would go start packing too, then left the room with a small wave.

-------- Meanwhile, with the Bad Sans' --------

Nightmare's POV :

Horror was busy in the kitchen, making dinner for us all, some of the servants helping him out like usual. The rest of us were sat at the large dining table in the banquet hall of the castle, that is more like a mansion in my opinion.

Everyone except me were chatting, from what I could tell, the main subject was on Error. Outer, was telling everyone about what happened in the meeting, and how he was chosen as someone to go to the other multiverse . . . I'm glad we have someone on 'our side' that could help prevent anything too bad from happening to Error.

Horror came out of the kitchen with a couple plates full of steaming food, setting them down in front of some of the gang quietly before going back to get more for the rest of us. He came back and set the last few plates in front of us, then sitting down on one of the quite fancy chairs that we had and digging in to his food. We all thanked Horror then began to eat as well.

-------- Small time skip --------

Nobody's POV :

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