My darling, Geno . . .

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"Alright, so, all we just have to do is tell Reaper that you are his long lost love," Ink cleared his non-existent throat "Geno-" "Ye^h n0 that i$n't hap3ning, Squid." Error cut him off. "But Error, we have to tell him, otherwise he'll find out by himself, and when he asks whether or not we knew, he'd put us right on his list of souls to reap at first place, well, minus me of course since I don't have a soul, BUT STILL! You get my point here" Ink continued "0ne m|nute you w3re sobb|ng, ^nd being a\l apo\oget|c tow^rds me, and n0w you ^re try|ng t0 g3t me ki\led!" Error said with frustration, he wasn't looking forward to the moment Reaper tries to kiss him again. "Error, we both know here that; one, I am soulless which means it's hard for me to understand emotions and such, two, I am truly sorry, three, I'm not trying to get you killed, and four, Reaper can touch you without you dying, therefore you are going to be perfectly fine . . . Probably?" Ink reasoned.

Error sighed. There was no way out of this, was there? He thought.

They all slowly wandered downstairs. Outer was still playing with the humans outside. Reaper was sitting at the island in the kitchen, sipping his coffee peacefully. He turned slightly to look at them once the three had made their way down the staircase. "Why does Ink look like he has been crying his eyelights out?" Reaper asked with little concern in his tone, already mentally planning that he was going to ignore them and go back to drinking his beloved coffee. "W-well, you see, uhhh . . . DREAM YOU TELL HIM!" Ink shouted, becoming too nervous. Error just watched with a blank expression, yet he was having a battle in his brain, he too was nervous. Not because of Reaper finding out he's Geno, but because Reaper might go into love-sick schoolgirl mode and chase him around like a yandere chasing their senpai, trying to get their senpai to love them. 

"Alright- So uhm- Reaper. Error, here," Dream gestured to Error awkwardly "has a secret, that me and Ink just found out . . . And uhm, it includes you, somewhat? Aaaaand . . . Now Error has to tell you! Eheheh . . ." Dream stepped back, behind Error, giving a very awkward grin. Error just gave him the 'Are-You-Kidding-Me-Dude' face.

Reaper sighed "Let me guess, you wanted to tell me that Error is my darling, Geno?". The three other skeletons went blank. Reaper chuckled "Heh, knew it." "YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME OR DREAM OR ANYONE?!" Ink shouted, Reaper was on the edge of laughing "Ink, relax, I only knew from this morning, believe it or not. I was curious as to how the Undertale Wikipedia could have possibly scared the non-existent soul out of you so badly, so I had a brief look. I didn't find out much, only that Error is my sweet Geno, and since you two now know, I can finally do this . . ." Reaper smoothly stood up from his seat, placing the coffee cup on the table, before gliding over to Error. He then out of the blue jolted forward and hugged the living-daylights out of him. Error didn't have time to comprehend what was happening before he suddenly crashed, freezing up before a harsh 'beep' noise could be heard for a second before crashing.

"Uhhhh- Why is Reaper hugging Error? Did they kiss or something? Also why does it look like you've been crying, you're soulless" Amelia poked her head through the front door of the house. "No- They didn't kiss, well, yet . . . ? And as to why I was crying is uh . . . I'm guessing that you know, so uh- I found out that Error's forced, and is Geno, and Dream knows too." Ink said. Reaper was too busy hugging his long-lost love to overhear. "Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Error crashed." Amelia asked "Oh yeah- Sorry- 'Forgot about that, I swear my memory is getting worse by the second" Ink apologized, a faint "Wouldn't surprise me" was heard coming from Reaper, who had let go of Error, and was waiting for him to reboot.

------ Time skip is brought to you by Temmie Flakes ------

"D0N'T D0 TH^T 3V3R ^G^|N." Error said to Reaper, his voice harshly glitching out. "Alright Geno, my dear~" Reaper flirted, with that da*NG* smooth a*SH* voice of his. Error thought, a light yellow appearing on his skull.

(Reaper's voice is exactly the same as his voice from the Christmas Party AU)

Error was having a mental debate on whether or not to stomp away like an angry toddler over to the couch, and watch Octonauts while knitting, or to just awkwardly stay there, and probably stare at Reaper with disgust, hatred, and a whole lot of love for him. Error hadn't changed too drastically much on the inside since when he was the pearly-white boned skeleton he used to be, being endlessly in love with the idiotic grim reaper.

"Uh, Error, y'good? You have yellow on your face that could put the sun to shame." Ink jokingly asked, snapping Error out of his thoughts "3H- Y3^HHhHhHh . . . I'm f|ne . . ." Error said, Reaper just snickered. "Why does 3veryone a\ways gang up 0n me . . ." Error mumbled to himself, sighing.

Error decided to be a grumpy toddler, and walked off to the couch. He knew they were probably going to use this against him, but he turned on the television, going onto the Cbeebies  'on demand' channel/app thingy majig that he didn't know how it truly worked. He sat on the sofa and searched up Octonauts, playing the episode after the last episode he watched. "D0n't st^re at me." Error glared at the three, summoning a back to normal sized Gaster Blaster to seem threatening, Amelia had already gone back outside. "W^it what- S|nce wh3n were my attack$ back t0 norma\?" Error stared at his Gaster Blaster, which had, upon seeing Reaper, zoomed over happily, resting beside him. "Ink summ0n uHhHH . . . Wh^tever you ca\l it, Broomie?, ^nd try t0 pa|nt som3thing, I d0n't know, ju$t pa|nt s0mething." Error demanded, Ink doing so. Ink summoned Broomie and tried to paint a bar of chocolate, it looked lop-sided, and the chocolate it self was the wrong colour, but it resembled a bar of chocolate. "Hey! Look at that! Broomie's starting to work again!" Ink said happily "We might be able to go home soon if this is how Broomie's getting along" Ink continued. 

I think I'm going to have to call Nightmare at some point . . . He needs to get an update . . . Error thought. But first . . . Octonauts time, and nobody can stop me! Error grinned, he desummoned the Gaster Blaster and went back to watching Octonauts without a care in the world.

The other three skeletons were intrigued on this 'Octonauts' thing was, hearing the name in the intro. Ink decided to sit down on the opposite end of the sofa to Error. Ink started to watch the kids program, Dream getting bored and sitting next to him.

"What in the void is a polar bear?" Dream randomly asked, Ink looked at him as if he was dumb, so did Reaper "Obviously it's the orange one, you clearly have never been to the zoo on a surface timeline . . ." Reaper 'corrected'. Ink just looked at Reaper blankly "And obviously neither have you, it's the white furry one with the round ears" Ink actually corrected this time. Error just watched, ignoring the two idiots and one monster who is an idiot, but a know-it-all idiot.

After an hour of binge-watching Octonauts since Dream, Reaper, and Error all have minimal knowledge of animals, especially aquatic ones, the only aquatic animal Reaper knows is 'fish', and 'fish' counts as all fish. Error decided he should call Nightmare now.

"Ok^y, I'm cal\ing Nightmare n0w, d0n't photobOmb, or g3t in the sh0t unt|l I s^y you guy$ can, a\right?" Error said, grabbing his phone out from the pocket of the jacket he was wearing. He called the number that was Nightmare's. There was a moment of waiting until the screen showed Nightmare's face.



I hate this chapter I hate this chapter I hate this chapter it's so baaaaaad . . . I'll most likely remake it in the future . . . Eheh.

Hopefully the next chapter shouldn't be too bad, since I already have an idea for it . . .

Anyways, not much to say other than the heat over here in Britain is killing me and I want the Coca-Cola ice pops in the fridge to freeze RIGHT. NOW. SiGh

Oh I'm also going to the movies today at some point, which is something to look forward to!

Surprisingly this is 1498 words before this message- Dang.

- Bean

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