Ink is now aware.

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Credit for the great idea goes to the amazing @lolbit-follower ! Thank you for the idea! I hope it is okay that I slightly changed it? *Spoiler* I changed Ink from only finding a bit about Error's weaknesses and using it against him, to Ink finding out pretty much everything, and having an internal panic- *Spoiler*


The humans had made the biggest mistake of their lives. So had everyone else.

They had decided to go shopping again, but they thought Ink was 'old enough to stay behind' since he didn't want to come.

Ink is not old enough to stay unsupervised. Yes, he is eons old and should know how to behave . . . But it is Ink we're talking about. His actual age plays no role.

Luckily Dream is staying behind to babysit Ink. Thank you Dream, we all owe you one.

 . . . Until now. Dream. You've failed your task as babysitter for Ink.

Ink was currently looking up the 'Undertale Wiki' on Amelia's computer.

(Onwards with the proper chapter-)

Ink's eyelights shifted to a gold star and a green triangle when he saw 'AUs' noted. He quickly clicked on the 'Undertale AU central' link. (Just like to say that whatever I say here about the wiki might change in the future, so this is only probably going to be valid for a short while)

He continued to look around the website until he found what he was somewhat looking for. Error. A whole entire page of stuff to do with Error. Just Error. Jackpot.

He started to read.

'LoverofPiggies'? They apparently made Error! Cool! They must be one of the creators . . . But why would they ever make someone like Error? He thought.

His eyelights widened. (Thisbitistheexactwords-Ijustcopiedthemfromthewiki)'Originally a version of Geno of After Genocide, he fell into a dimension between Universes and became glitched beyond repair.' Ink read. Wait . . . Geno, as in THE Geno? A copy?  . . . I wonder if Geno and Error know each other . . . Wait . . . Didn't the original disappear randomly? Could that mean ERROR IS ORIGINAL GENO?! I need to ask Error about this, and if he confirms, which he most likely won't since he doesn't trust any of us . . . For obvious reasons that are valid, I will have to tell Reaper . . . Oh stars what will Reaper think . . . He continued to think.

His research was halted to a stop when he saw 'You may be looking for Hobo!Error'. Pfft- Hobo!Error? Seriously? Well he does look slightly like a hobo I guess, but not as much with his latest outfit. He clicked on the link. He started reading again, he even read about the part about his haphephobia. He wasn't surprised for he knew that Error wasn't fond of touching other people, or getting touched by other people, but he didn't know it was actual haphephobia.

He then saw another link : 'You may be looking for FGOD!Error' He clicked on the link out of curiosity and saw an image of supposedly 'FGOD!Error', who looked just like Error. He began to read . . .

(This is also from the wiki, with edits from me.)

'The multiverse started out with only one universe, that being UnderTale. Finding it too boring and empty, Fate created her "chosen child", Ink, to fill the emptiness. She whispered to him, telling him that there was limited space and he could create, but only up to that limit if he didn't want the multiverse to collapse. When he forgot, or didn't hear her warning, he went on a creating spree, filling the multiverse to a dangerous point.

When too many universes exist at once, they get crammed together in the limited space of the multiverse and continue growing until the eventually bump into each other and pop. Like bubbles in a container. Fate fails to reach Ink or to make him stop his behaviour. Instead, she took the original Aftertale!Sans and took him from the save screen and dumped him in the newly created "Anti-void".

Error is corrupted by Fate, and makes him only be able to vividly remember things from his time when he was Geno. He is tortured, not only by Fate, but by the other AU residents as well. His limbs are ripped off, he is poisoned, his rib cage is crushed, his bones are shattered, and he is hated by most in the multiverse. Destiny, the sister of Fate, takes a liking to Error. He is then her "chosen child" and she begins to formulate a plan to have him escape the bonds of Fate. For while Fate is all-encompassing and controlling, Destiny is by your own design. All it takes is one small action to change your Destiny. She only hopes that he doesn't break along the road to changing it.

Error Versus Humanity. - FGOD StoryWhere stories live. Discover now