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love this au so much💖

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i was with my friend entering the hallway but we here no scream yes!

but we here whispering and them looking at the phone

is there something wrong?-i ask one of the student looking at her phone

ahh about that unnie is this-she said and show me the phone 

i see someone entering the limo that's it?

what about it?-i ask her

that limo is one of master in swordsman and the talk here now that is chou tzuyu or the nerd here is entering the limo with the other of her friend nerd-she said explaining everything 

ohhhh do you think they are in just disguise?-jennie said and i look at her

what?-she said and i shook my head

let just go-i said and go to my locker and they follow me

we are now in the secret park where we always go down 

i was about to walk when my phone beep

i look at it and see my groupchat chatting nonstop

i read some of them i see one about us

"is it true that tzuyu and her friend in just disguise?"


"where is it again i want to see it again?"

"in instagram"

"ohh thank you"

i immediately go to my insta and look for it

i see a picture of behind of my unnie back while entering the limo

i read the caption and it says "is this tzuyu and her friend? the nerd?"

unnie!!-i shout at them they look at me with "what the heck face"

what?-jihyo unnie said 

look-i said and show them the photo

who the heck post this?!!-nayeon unnie said shock

how do we do now?-i ask them

should we tell that we will say it now or we will not go school now and tomorrow we will go there with our true self?-i add questioning them

option two-2yeon unnie said 

yeah and because your dad said and our also dad said tomorrow is the day we will show our true self-jihyo unnie said

so let's go out of here now-dahyu unnie said and enter the limo

we all start to enter the limo until it move away near school

so where should we go?-mina unnie said 

mall?-chae unnie ask us


they all said unison and we start laughing

at mall
we go to mall with our speck again so tomorrow is a big surprise many people know that my dad had a daughter but they don't know that that's me

soo where we go now?-i ask them

arcade!~-mina unnie said with exciting

let's go unnie~-chae unnie said takking mina unnie hand and going to arcade

wee she have feeling for mina unnie  log time ago

let's go unnie-i said and we start to follow the two

we are now in the cafeteria walking inside 

thankfully they are not shouting-rosie unnie said

it's become rumor now-jisoo unnie said suddenly

what?rumor?-jennie ask jisoo unnie

the twice member-she said ohh i forgot

let's go eat now-i said 

jisoo unnie order while me paying attention to my phone searching for the rumor now

i think it's true-i said 

are you sure?-rosie unnie said

yeah-i said and she nod

we start to eat when the food jisoo unnie bought come here

we rosie unnie are now in our classroom still there is no tzuyu in here

yes we are classmate many student is waiting for her appearance yet no one know where she is

the teacher came and greet us and start to teach us with many complicated thing about our sword

sir!-i shout because i'm in the back

yes?-he answer me

where is tzuyu?-i ask him when i bring up her name his facelift to nervouse face

i...don't..know-he said and continue to lecture 


skip time end of the class
we are walking now in the hallway to our locker room

let's go out-nini said to us

ok good morning

this is chapter 2!!

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now