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we are now practicing like yesterday now we are on the way to a mall to chill

Tzuyu yah we are here-i said shaking her body cause she is sleeping in my car while i drive

Hmmm*yawn*thank you-she said and unbuckle her seatbelt,i did the same

You work hard today,good job and today is my treat-i said and pat her head

Thank you-she said while she rub her eyes

I chuckle to her cuteness and control myself

We go first to restuarant to energize her

Second we go to weapon shop so we can look for other

Look this look beautiful-she said pointing at the black bow with white arrow beside it

Ohh you-i said whispering the 2 last word

I hear you-she said and i look down feeling shy

Should we look for second floor?-i ask her and she nod

We go to the second floor to see many magic book

It can't be buy but you can take a look at the word and use it

I go there-i said and she follow me

I took a fire magic book and find some i can't do

Ohh tzuyu look-i said and point about the chant and spell of flame tornado

Try it-she said and i look at her

Where?-i ask her and she point to a big big room

Thanks i be back-i said and head to the big big room

I chant the spell and wait for a second


WHAT THE HECK HOW DO I STOP THIS ??!!*panic* *panic* *panic*

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*panic* *panic* *panic*


The flame tornado go away

I look for the one who did it and see tzuyu

How did you stop it?!-i ask her

You should control it-she said and sigh

Ohhh about the control we will start tomorrow ok?-i ask her and she nod while walking outside i follow her and she head to the devil book row

She open the book revealing her answer

"How to control your devil side?"
-simple you need the one who will stay by your side and will love you-

She read it outloud and look at me

Then will you be my girlfriend forever lalisa?-she ask me cause me to gasp

Are you....sure?-i ask her nervous because i'm shy

Yes i love you-she said and return the book to it place before looking at me

She pin me at the bookshelf and lean toward me


She kiss me slowly and passionately while her hand in the bookskelf to suport us and her other hand to my shoulder

She kiss me slowly and passionately while her hand in the bookskelf to suport us and her other hand to my shoulder

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Slowly our kiss turn to heavy breath's and panting

I love you-she whisper in my ear and i secretly smile and whisper back

I love you too-i said and peck her forehead

She smile at me and took the devil book again

Good night~💖💖

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now