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-at bunker at 7:08 am-

We are now in the bunker starting to practice and also i will help tzuyu control her other side

Are you ready?-i ask her and she nod

Ok about today practice our first battle with is the sield university so i think about that we should put a lot pressure and heavy  to our sword so we can break their barrier ok?-i said to her and ask her

Yeah sure-she said and smile

And also about our magic who will be the magic first?-i ask her and she shrug her shoulder

I think i do it and you attack can you do it you will attack both of them and i support you and the next battle we exchange??-i ask her and she think first and nod in a minute of her thinking

Ok let's start-i said and she start to practice her sword and i start to see for magic that can help tzuyu

-time skip-
We just end our practice this 11am i stop our practice so we don't overwork

Tzuyu-yah let's go take some air outside- i said and start to walk outside

Woaahh~~ so exhausting!!!-she shout and i chuckle

Tzuyu-yah......-i call her and she look at me

Can i......court you?-i ask shyly

I look because i feel embarrase


There's no answer until now i look at her seeing her smilig at me

Sure-she said and smile at me

Really??!!-i ask her in shockness and she nod

Why you don't want?-she ask me and i shook my head many times

Yesss!!! Finally!!

Then can you do me a favor?-i ask her and she look confuse at me

What is it?-she ask me

Can i kiss you now?i ask shyly but keep it cool

I look at her reaction she was taken back i think it's wrong timing

No don't take it serou---i was cut when she put her hand in my neck and kiss me slowly

I wad shock that in second i don't know what to do but i kiss her back and put my hand in her waist and my other hand in her neck

I deepen the kiss and i in my tounge in her mouth

So soft and hot i think i should stop or i take it somewhere or more

I pull out and see her breathing heavly

I'm sorry.....-i said and take my arm out in her waist

No i should be i'm sorry-she said and look away

I think i go fast-i said and we both chuckle

No i like it-she said and i look at her with ahock face

Serou---i was cut when the guard came with our food again

Eyy both of you here you food goodluck don't overwork-he said and bid goodbye already even we did not say thank you or good bye

Well let's go in and eat-i said and she nod and we go inside

While we are eating she is clingy like she is feeding me and holding my hand like we are already couple,i say before that i will court her right?

Lisa-yahh ahhh-she said and i open my mouth and she feed me

Tzuyu-yah you should eat your and not feedibg eat to me...-i said and took a bite from my food

Are you angry??-she ask me in sad tone

No,no of course no-i said ans shook my head

Ok i eat now-she said and eat

That is what i like to her

Her smile

Yo!!good night and
Sweet dreams!🥰💖💖

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now