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we are now on are way to lunch wen lisa and her friend show up in our friend

mind we join you?-she ask us

and my unnie and me nod 

sure-i said and we head out together in cafeteria

everyone was looking at us and whispering about me being daughter of a one of the best swordsman's in the country

i just shrugg it off

and shrug it of and we sit where there's no many student

i order someone help me?-nayeon unnie said and jisoo raise her hand and they both go to the counter

while the two oldest was walking here someone bump to them and i remember the face

ohh it's the who bully me before and she is also one of daughter of powerful swordsman's here

WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!-one of the girl shout at my unnie

here let me help you-the one said and unnie was about to stand up when the girl took her hand off

what a dumb girl do you think i will help you?-she said laughing

i was piss for her bullying my unnie and lisa unnie also

lisa unnie can you help the unnie i will take care of that-i said coldly

ahh y--yes-she said and immediately go to the unnie's

tzuyu ca-calm...d-down-nayeon unnie said 

i look at her she look terrified at me so i just go to the girl who bully my unnie

do you want a fight?-i ask the girl group coldly

they look terrified but they keep they're cool

just you huh are underestimating us?-she ask us in attitude

what if i say yes are gonna get angry?-i ask her coldly

they were very piss and they look at me angrily

if you want a fight let's go the field-i said and disappear in front of them

-in field-
i teleport to the field already and second later i see them apper in front of me 

i think they teleport too and many student come

are you ready?-the on ask me and smirk at me

i pull my sword and they too

tzuyu calm down!!-my unnie said and try to stop me but i make a circle between us so no one will bother us

i'm sorry this is not me unnie this is the devil of me-i mummble tearing up a little

they all go to me and attack me

*swush* *swush* *swush*

i dodge them easily 

you all are just bully and weak-i mumble and i was about to attack them when i faint suddenly

the circle went off and the unnie came running to me

tzuyu? tzuyu!!-my unnie shout at me

hour's later
i woke up in a room where there is a window beside me and a light above me

i sit up in the bed

and i see my unnie run to me

tzuyu-yah are you ok?-nayeon unnie hug me and lisa hug me in the other side

i'm ok unnie but i'm feeling weak a little-i said and smile a little

you don't have to do that-she said 

i'm sorry unnie...and my other side again...-i said and start to cry again

it's ok tzuyu-yah-nayeon uunie said and comfort me

did something happen to before?-lisa ask my other unnie

other time lisa-sana unnie said and lisa unnie nod

is the other girls ok?-i ask nervous

yes they are in the principal office now don't worry they won't be punish or either you-jihyo unnie said and i relive a little

unnie let's go to them i want to say sorry-i said to them and they nod

while walking i remember the time nayeon unnie talk to me but i ignore her

nayeon unnie?-i said to her and she hmm to  my question

i'm sorry about early when you talk to me and i ignore you and i terrified you-i said lowering my head

don't worry it's done already just sorry to them and it will be done ok?-she said and i smile at her 

-principal office-

excuse us-i said and enter the room i see the group of girls inthe front of principal 

i guess i got in wrong time

i'm sor---i was cut by the pricipal

no it's ok you talk first i go out and jihyo handle them if there's something happen-he said and smile at us we all bow at him and he go out

i sit in the one chair in front of them and i bow at them

i'm sorry please...for-givr me-i said crying already because i remember my mother

ohh oh why are you crying?!-the one girl said and hug me

we are sorry too we should not do that too-she said and the rest appologize too

no i should..*sniff*be the one who *sniff *be sorry i start the *sniff* fight-i said and hug her tight

no you did not i start the scene-she said 

then are we ok now?-i said and look at her she nod and i smile reveling my dimples

cute~-she said and pinch my cheeck

i'm yiren,wang yiren-she said 

and that is our oldest jiwon but you can call her eu and that is our second oldest sihyeon-unnie and our middle is mia unnie and also middle onda and aisha and i'm the yougest-she introduce them

chinese?-i ask and she nod

ohhh i'm tai---i was cut by her

taiwanese yeah the student here all know-she said and chuckle

tzuyu-yah if may i ask why did you cry?-yiren ask me and i look at my unnie's

it's ok if you don't tell me-she said and smile 

about that ahmm...-i said and take a deep breath

so good afternoon everyone

did you eat well?

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now