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As tzuyu fell down in sky i dash to her and catch her


I hope they come here quickly

-At night at 6:50-

As i am taking a nap and tzuyu is still not awake

I feel a strong wind coming down

As i open my eyes i see the helicopter coming down

Hey!!-i shout as they come to us

Did we come late?!-the guy before as me

Yes very late!!-i shout as the sound of the helicopter becoming stronger

They help tzuyu first before me going in

As we are inside the helicopeter they put air purifier to her and lay her in bed


As we are landing i hear some shout outside

As we are being taken outside the students who survive look at us worriedly

Lisa-yahh!!-all the unnie came to me for hug

Are you hurt?!

Are you ok?!

They all question me inside but i take a deep breath and they stop

I am ok they heal me and tzuyu but tzuyu reach her limit before she may die because of me-i said and cry loudly

All the attension came to me and look at me worriedly

Unnie i just go to tzuyu-i said as i wipe my tears

They all lead me to clinic room inside


I see tzuyu lying in bed as i go her and hug her

Tzuyu please don't leave me-i said weakly as i look at her tearing again

The unnie came to me and comfort me saying she will be fine and she is strong

Yeah think positive lisa she is strong


2 weeks later

I feel a heat coming through my face

I open my eyes slowly and see a girl opening the curtain

W-who...are..y-you?-i ask her weakly

As she heard me she look back fastly and look at me

Doc she is awake!!-she yelled as her voice fade away

Many people is running in the door but i see a man came to me

Hey hey are you feeling ok?-the man ask me

Ahh...m-my whole body..hurt a li-little-i answer him and he nod

You can come in now-he said and the unnie came in while he head out

Tzuyu are you ok?

Do you want food or water?!

Do you like something?-

I chuckle as they all ask me the same thing at same time ok just a li-little more rest-i said as i close my eyes slowly again

Unnie where is lisa?-i ask them

She is on her way she is outside before-mina unnie said and i thank her


She came bursting the door and hug me tightly

Un...unnie it's...hurt-i said and she quickly broke our hug

Im sorry but are feeling ok?-she ask me and i nod as the door open revealing her unnie

She run faster as she can to come here-jennie unnie said and we chuckle while her looking embarrass

Well you ok ther tzuyu?-they ask me and i nod

Thankfully you are awake now you been sleeping for 2 weeks-dahyun unnie said and i open my eyes and look at them

Two weeks?!!-i ask them and they nod inncently

What happen before to cause me sleep for long time!-i ask them and they sit down

Well you reach your limit and use your new skill our should i say your stongest skill and burst it to the monster that regenerate-lisa unnie said carefully while we listen

That's why you sleep for so long-jihyo unnie said in shockness

Well i guess you are popular outside there-momo unnie said and point out of the window

Why what happen?-i ask her

Well remember you save us-rose unnie said and i nod remembering it

Sfx:*tummy growl*

They all laugh while i look down in shyness

Here i come here always with fresh food outside-jeongyeon unnie said and gave me a banana and pieces of apple in plate

Thank you unnie-i said and smile she smile back

Well let celebrate just us together for defeating the monster and for tzuyu too-nayeon unnie said and hand a wine

Ohh i miss wine-jisoo and jennie unnie said in sync and they all laugh


We celebrate and they also said they were dating while i was asleep

The end hope you enjoy this book!😁

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now