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The fight will start in 3..2...1!!

As the mc said 1 we take our sword and dash to them

Remember our plan ok?-lisa ask me and i nod before she go to the other enemy so my enemy is sehun

Woah woahh did you see that sword everyone?!!!!-the commentor said and the people stand up

Sfx:*clunk* clunk*

Calm said and i smirk

Before you said we are just weak and now what?-i ask her while smashing her my hard sword

It was jus...t a jo--i cut him when i push my sword harder it's time now

I back out and see him smirking

What happen scared?-he ask me smirking not knowing someone behind him

Tzuyu-yah now!!lisa unnie said and i cast a spell to suho and lisa unnie attack sehun in the back

We talk about this while we go to the glass room

And my magic is more powerful than that two boys

Lisa unnie slash sehun back and he faint well that what happen when you are attack by your enemy

And suho well she is lock now in my darkness bubble level 5 and what i use to the lizard before was level 3


we just see suho faint  with his rip clothes

Woo WOOAHHHH!!!!!!!

Everyone cheer along with the commentor

You did good job unnie-i said and she smile

You too-she said and pinch my nose

Really my nose *blushing*

We head to the clinic room where suho and sehun was

-clinic room-


we knock and was open by their principal

Ohh-they're principal said before bowing to us or

Ohh no need sir-i said and he look at us

May i help you?-he said and smile at us

We just want to see the two boys-lisa unnie said and the principal smile before leaving us

Are you ok?-i ask the two boya and they look at away in same time before nodding

We are sorry-i said and chuckle

We...did not...know you own that...sword-sehun said and look at us shyly

*gigle*well yes i own it....-i said and my memory of my mother go back

Tzuyu?hey!-lisa unnie said shake me

Ohh unnie sorry-i said and smile

We go now and both of you are good-lisa unnie said and drag me out

She lead me to the private room of us and said

You remember it again?-she ask me and i nod slowly

Don't worry i will not let it happen again-she said and hug me i hug her tightly

Thank you-i said and broke the hug

Your welcome-she said and kiss my forehead and smile at me

Let me return it-i said and kiss her passionately

She kiss me back with the same pleasure i give to her


Ahh ahh*gulp*

You are really good kisser tzuyu-yah-she said and hide in my chest

Thank you-i said and chuckle

Well you are the first one to say that-i whisper to her ear and i feel her blushing

*knock* *knock*

Lisa tzuyu? said and we head to the door and fix our self first and open the door

Yes ask him

We need to meet someone-he said and smile at us

Let's said and we follow him

Good night!sweet dreams😘💖

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now