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we are now on the field with the soccer player

So let's stretch first-lisa said and i nod start with jumping jack


Pervert-i whisper

Don't mind them-lisa said and i smile at her

We both start to stretch and we go away with the soccer player

Are you free this night?-one of the soccer player ask lisa unnie

Of course we are not and we will have fight this after noon-i said and glare at him

Im not talking to you-the boy said and about to slap me when lisa hand came

Don't you dare touch her-she said coldly with her eyes in fire

Woooohhh ok ok im sorry princess-he said and bow jokingly before going away

Don't worry im ok-i said and she smile to me

Good let's start now-she said and take her sword out

-time skip-
We just stop practicing it's 12 now we have to eat

Let's eat?,i ask her andshe nod before standing up

We go to cafeteria all eyes on us

Tzuyu lisa!!-jisooo and nayeon unnie shout and look at each other before laughing

What happen you look sweaty-mina unnie ask us and we chuckle

Well ask us to warm up but it turn to a practice-i said and chuckle

Well let's eat now you should have enegy for the fight-jihyo unnie said and

-time skip at the gymnasium-

Well goodluck to both of you-my unnie said before going to their sit

Let's go now we have to see the first fight there-she said and point at the glass room in the middle of tower


We arriave at time but there our enemy is here

*clear throat*excuse us-i said and we take a sit in the sofa viewing the fight under

Wow who are they?-i ask lisa and look at her

Well the first with white clothes is the freedom university and the oposite is the wisdom university-she said and i nod before going back to the view


We look who clear his or her throat loudly and found our enemy

I am sehun and this is suho we are from sield university and it's good to meet you both-said the sehun boy and we nod

I am lisa and this is my partner tzuyu-lisa introduce us and we smile

Well after that fight we are the next so let's fight fair and i think it will be tough fight so give all you got-the guy name suho said smirking

Well thank you it's plesure to meet you-we both said lisa unnie and sit and continue watching

Does they know i have a devil and angel sword-i ask lisa unnie and she skook jer head

Ohhh that's why they are mocking us-i said and sigh

Don't show your devil side first show it tomorrow-lisa said and i nod


*Appluse and cheer*



Ok Ok to freedom university take a rest now and for the wisdom university you can take a seat with the audience

Well now we call the two second school

First the sield school sehun and suho!!!


Let's ho now unnie-i said and we go out the door and go down

And they're enemy is the promise university own by this gymnasium welcome lisa and tzuyu!!!


Tzuyu-ahh remember don't get piss we have to fight fairly cause they are boys-lisa unnie said and i laugh before turning serious


Let the battle begin in 3...2...1...TING!!

Good morning!!💖

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now