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Im sorry for not updating yesterday my anxiety and stress hit me so here thanks for waiting😀

It's been a week we are here and now the boys is stealing a food again i hope they are ok

Sfx:*Loud bang on door*

What the heck are you doing you know the password you can just enter-one boys said and open the door



The boy was bitten by the monster

I run to them but it's was to late he was infected

I slash the head of the monster along with the boy

I'm sorry rest in peace

As the monster came running inside the bunker

Tzuyu-yah!!-i hear lisa voice call me

I head out and let the unnie take care in the inside and i handle this one big monster

Why now?!-i said frustate and activate my demon mode to level 5

I hope i kill you faster beacuase today is the day we will be rescue

This morning they call jihyo unnie saying that they will come in afternoon

And it's 10 now plus it's raining what a day it is

I cast a spell to the monster in a second

I hope you get weak here

I throw it to there and it cause and explosion

Is that thing dead?

The unnie's came with lisa and seulrene unnie

Ohh you kill it already?-jisoo unnie ask me

I don't know i guess yeah-i answer her but a bright light came in

We step back and ready our swords

As the lighy came out the one dragon become three dragon

What the fuccc?!!

Is that thing have a duplicate

Unnie i handle that one-i said and point at the monster i kill before

They nod and we dash to them and start to attack them

They defence is strong and if we attack them they regenerate too

Shadow come out and help the unnie's!!-i call my pet and he dash to them

I guess i have to increase my level to kill this so they all disapear at same time

I increase my level to level 10 already so i can kill that thing in fast way


It's been an hour since we are fighting them and still they regenerate and the unnie is exhaust now

Unnie i handle it you can just help the other student and kill those monsters too if you want-i said and they nod terrified i will shout to them

They start to kill the little mosnter above and the other help the students

*deep breath*i have you now you bullshit thing!

I attack and attack but it keeps backing to it original form

Sfx:*helicopter rotor blade*

I look above and see 3 large military helicopter

I guess the unnie will be save now

They came down and see me first well the dragon i paralize her so i can fight her before

They took a step back when they see me

Sir please take all the student away cause i don't want them to get hurt i promise said and they nod before taking out the student

Can you kill that thing?-a japanese man ask me in english

I can do it sir just go away-i said and he nod before running away

The first helicopter go along with the second and here is manoban don't want to go

Leave me alone that is my partner i will help her!!-lisa unnie said and the guards release her and lisa run to me

Why did you not go to them?-i ask her while i cast a spell

I have to help you and the guard said they will come back in night again

I nod and throw the spell to the monster she is inside now in my death bubble i hope you get kill inside there

It explode again and her bpdy parts is flying in the dark sky

Minutes later she came back in her form again

Unnie can you buy me a time?-i ask and she nod

She start to distract the them all while our both pet help her

Hey let me talk to you!

What do you want this time?-my devil ask me

Let me use the thing you say-i said faster seeing lisa getting hurt

Are sure you can probably die when you use that-she said

I don't care as long this bullshit thing is done it's ok-i said feeling teary

I ask you again are you sure?-she ask me and i nod and she sigh

I hope you pass it-she said and disappear


I start to feel my chest getting hurt my bad past coming to my mind seeing my mother died

I yelled angrily causing attension of lisa unnie and the monster

YOU MUSY DIE YOU BULLSHIT MONSTER!!-i said and dash to her and push lisa aggresively away

I see the monster getting terified at me

She step back and i cast my new skill and they three start running away

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She step back and i cast my new skill and they three start running away

I throw my spell to them and i see them cut in half i see a little light ball inside them and i dash to it and crash it

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I throw my spell to them and i see them cut in half i see a little light ball inside them and i dash to it and crash it

So that's why you keep regenersting huh i crush it and they all turn to ash

I fell down and it start to black out

Yo im gonna end this in chap.33 which is in night today so see you
Eat well😄

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now